6 weeks

29 2 0

Dear Baby,

Today you're about the size of a coffee bean. Ironic since your dad and I met at a coffee shop I used to work at. Maybe I'll tell you about it when you're older.

Anyway little bean what's happening in there? I'll tell ya I don't appreciate the sickness you've been making me feel lately, maybe lay it off a little please?

Could you also make your mind up about you want to eat, you have good taste but I can't keep getting more food till it's the thing you really want, I'm so hungry and just want to eat something.

Anyway Your dad and I aren't up to much besides meeting your impossibly high standards. We're still just reeling from the joy of finding out about you.

I still can't believe it, you have been inside of me for about 6 weeks and are going to be in there for about another 34, then I'll be able to hold you out here, while looking at your adorable little face, which by the way I'd like for you to have your dad's eyes. I know dad wants you to have mine but I think you will look cuter with his, either way you will be so loved.

I hope you're comfortable in there, cause I'm not. It's a lot of work carrying you, but I know it'll be worth it on the end.

Hang tight bubba Mama and Dada love you so much.

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