slowly drifting

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Eleanor had found no sleep that night. The conversations and acts at dinner replayed over and over in her head, and she stayed up as a result of pure rage. After being told to retire to their chambers, her mother had scolded only her - her brothers let off the hook. Not only did Eleanor embarrass herself, but also her family, whom as the oldest child, she had to set an example for. It wasn't fair that she was the one facing the wrath - after all it was her uncle's who had ruined the night. Aegon was naturally infuriating, but Aemond knew how to hurt her - and it hurt even more knowing that he was once a sweet boy she could call her friend. 

She needed to clear her head.

Clad in only her night gown and a simple robe, the young girl emerged from her room and into the dimly, candlelit halls of the red keep - Eleanor ensured to stay light on her feet and avoid the company of others. No doubt there'd be guards patrolling the castle late into the night, and they'd escort her back to her apartments if she were to be found. 

The halls were different at night, they were dark and cold but Eleanor found it beautiful. In the black silence there was peace, no eyes watching her or ears listening, she had nobody to impress. The quiet echoes of her footsteps were comfortingly the only thing to be heard. She had walked these halls many times as a child, and her legs have seemed to become accustomed to it, guiding her towards two large wooden doors that lead into the night. 

"You shouldn't be wandering about on your own." 

Her breath hitched in her throat as she grabbed for her now rapidly beating heart. There she stood, barely clothed, reaching for the doors and she had been discovered. She turned behind her and saw a whisper of white hair emerge from the shadows. Of course it was him. 

"I'm not wandering, and I'm not alone now am I uncle?"

Aemond Targaryen towered over her, his tall and slender figure loomed like a shadow. He kept his hands locked behind his back as he took a few small steps towards her. It made her uncomfortable, how he always looked so stoic and formal. His posture never faltered, nor did the irritating smirk upon his lips. "Perhaps, I should escort you back to your chambers." Not a suggestion, Eleanor noted, but a demand. "Why? So you can continue to insult myself and my family?" 

She moved again towards the door, her body twist and her slender hand reaching outwards for the handle. It was apprehended, the mans cold hand wrapping around her wrist and keeping it in place. Snarling, she looked down to her now entrapped wrist and up to Aemond, finding his eye to already be trained on her - but he did not look upon her admirably. It was a threatening glare that he cast, almost daring her to try and escape from his grasp. 

"Get your hands off me." She growled, flinching and tugging in an attempt to free herself. "And let you run off into the night?" He took a moment to look around, most likely hoping no guards were watching the interaction. He dropped her arm but remained where he stood, "The moment you step outside these walls anything could happen... and as much as I would enjoy never seeing you again, it would be against my duty and honour to let such a helpless girl be subject to the beasts that await her. Believe it or not I am doing you a favour, princess."

TIL' FOREVER FALLS APART // AEMOND TARGARYENWhere stories live. Discover now