Baby Blu's - Cblu

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He smacked his lips, "Girl ain't no one tryna kill you" He said , "You gonna let a niggah inside or just have a hallway conversation like we's strangers?"

Sighing I opened the door letting him inside, Setty looked around as if the boy hasn't been here before. He made his was to the couch and sat down, "So why are you here exactly?" I asked taking a seat and grabbing a pillow to hide my stomach

Setty held up an envelope in his hands and flashed his diamond studded smile, "Dropped these baby photos" He said

My eyes went from him to the envelope in his hands, "I-"

Setty held up his hand, "Don't worry I ain't say nothin' to the daddy, but the only request is that I'm the Godfather" He said placing it on the table

Setty watched me for a moment, "Y/N, you gon tell him right?" He questioned



"I'm scared, what if he thinks I'm playin' him?Or that I got pregnant on purpose?"I rambled, "Is he even ready to be a father? Blu's still makin' his music and he's going places I can't be selfish and make him stop all of that!"

Setty placed a hand on my shoulder, "Y/N, you gotta let him know."

I stared at him, "Niggah you don't think I know that"I sighed

Setty chuckled, "Look niggah, whatever you decide to do I'm here for you just know Uncle- Godfather Setty's just gon need to barrow the baby sometime to attract some ladies" He said pullin' on his jacket

I shook my head, "I think you mean babies" I said

Setty looked at me funny, "Stop playin"

I opened the envelope showing him, "My niggah hit once and came out with two, nah now that's some shit" Setty said looking at the photos

I laughed, "You weird as fuck my guy"


Picking up my keys, and my bag I made my way to the door so I could head downstairs. I knew downstairs would be free because today was Tuesday and Blu had this thing about 2k on Tuesday's (I have no idea the niggah just likes to play on Tuesdays). And this meant that I didn't have to drag a coat around because the man wasn't there.

I had just made it down to the lobby and walked outside when I'd heard before I'd seen, "What the fuck"

Turning my head, I saw Blu and some girl together he'd had his arm around her shoulders before pushing off her. "I thought we were going somewhere?" She asked in this annoying ass voice

Blu smacked his lips looking at her, "Bro go somewhere by yaself" He said as he walked over to me. Once he was in front of me, he looked down at my stomach before making eye contact with me. "Y/N" He said

I bit the inside of my lip, "What Blu?"

"Bro don't 'what blu' me"

I sighed, "Can you move I've gotta go somewhere" I said

"Yeah! And We gotta go somewhere too" The girl said

"Niggah get outta here!" Both Blu and I yelled, Ol' Girl huffed before turning and walking down the block. "Y/N-"

"What Blu? What do you want me to say?"I asked cutting him off

Blu looked at me confused, "What do I want you to say? Niggah how bout I'm pregnant, I'm sorry, It's yours " He said

"How far along are you?" Blu asked his tone dropping


Blu sighed, "Can we talk about it inside?"He asked

I moved slightly, and he grabbed my hand making me follow him to the room. We sat across from each other for a hot minute not saying anything, I played with my nail in the silence until he sighed, "Why you ain't sayin' nothin?" He spoke

I shrugged, "I don't know, I mean it's obvious that I'm pregnant"

"Is it mine?", right as the question had left his mouth he chuckled,"Nah I know it's mines" He said

"Anything else you wanna know?"I asked

Blu placed his hand on top of mine, gaining my attention towards him. "Y/n, why didn't you say anything?"He questioned

"Blu what did you want me to say? 'Oh hey by the way I'm pregnant , you're the dad and it's twin girls?' like that's what your ass would've accepted and wanted to hear"I said

When Blu didn't say anything for a while I looked at him to see the man who always had something to say lookin' stuck. "Um blu?"

He blinked, shaking or more like hitting his head and clearing his ears,"I'm sorry what?" He asked

Raising an eyebrow, I was confused on what exactly he was confused on, "Yo Y/N, you're not buggin' right?Like this ain't no joke, and ain't no niggah finna pop out with a camera talkin' bout it's a prank?"

"Now why would I joke about that dummy?You can't see the stomach, my shit is huge! "I said.

For some reason this caused Blu, to burst into laughter,"Niggah obviously you're pregnant I can see that, I was asking about the twin girls part"

I nodded placing a hand on my stomach, "You mean I hit once, and got two? Yo! I'm the GOAT!" Blu yelled clapping

I shook my head, him and Setty really spend too much time with each other. "You're wildin' right now"

Blu scoffed, "Ayo baby mom's-"

I laughed, "Yo Baby Mom's is crazy"

Blu and I laughed for a good moment, before continuing the conversation. Y'know it felt good to get it out and finally tell him, and the fact that he was receptive of the entire thing made it even better. "So I'm really gon be a dad"


Hope y'all enjoyed this one, it was actually really fun to write. Any specific imagines that y'all would like message me or drop a comment also don't forget to follow. Hope y'all have a great day 🫶🏽😊

-Melanin J🫶🏽

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