Warped Tour = Heat strokes 🥺

Start from the beginning

"I'm splendid." Andy said instead, though the others couldn't quite make out what he had said.

"He sounds drunk." An EMT commented as they entered the tent.

"He's not!" Yanni and Jake snapped at the same time, shutting the man down immediately.

They sat Andy down, and the EMTs began checking his vitals, both looking more and more concerned. "Get some water bottles and lots of ice packs, we need to cool him down as fast as possible." One said to the other.

"What's going on?" Jake asked, growing more concerned.

"Does he have issues with needles?" An EMT asked, ignoring the question entirely.

"I have tattoos." Andy mumbled in annoyance.

"Okay, we're gonna give him some fluids." He nodded.

"Is he having a heat stroke?" Yanni asked, his tone leaving no room for games.

"Yes, but we caught it early so he should be okay." The younger EMT replied as she as she poured water onto towels, and laid them onto Andy's chest and neck, holding an ice pack to his head as her colleague pressed a needle into the crook of Andy's elbow that was attached to a bag hooked onto a medal stand.

She poured some water on the singer's hair, noting how thick it was, and how it probably wasn't helping the situation at all.

"Okay, I'll update Jon and the others, you stay here." Yanni said to Jake, patting Andy's arm before he left the tent.

Jake stepped closer. "I can hold that." He said offering to take the ice pack from the woman.

She stared at him for a moment before she nodded, stepping aside for him to take over. Jake gently lifted Andy's head up to pull his hair up off of his neck and pressed a cold compress to it before he laid his head back down, resting the ice pack on his forehead.

"How you feeling?" He asked, frowning at how sick the singer still looked, he knew he wasn't going to magically be better as soon as they threw an ice pack at him, but he still didn't like to see how pale and clammy Andy's skin was.

"My head hurts like hell." Andy said, sighing in relief at the wonderful cold that his body had clearly needed.

Jake winced sympathetically, and grabbed a water bottle, lifting Andy's head up again to help him take a sip from it.

"We'll have to call an ambulance if his temperature doesn't start going down." The female EMT whispered to her coworker, though Jake still heard her, and stared at both of them with wide eyes.

"What?" He asked, though it was a moot point.

"It probably won't come to that though, just a precaution." She replied a little too quickly before her radio crackled to life. "Someone passed out in the pit, I've got to go." She said, grabbing a first aid kit and running out.

"They should've fucking canceled, we've already had a million people in here." The male EMT said in annoyance.

"Won't argue with you on that." Jake chuckled.

Jake was upset that so many fans had gotten sick because of the heat, but now he was livid watching Andy suffer for the festival's inaction.

The male EMT checked Andy's vitals again, and let out a breath that Jake wasn't aware he had been holding.

"His temperature is going down, you can take him back to your bus, he needs a lot of rest and liquids- and no, booze doesn't count, that will make it worse." He said dryly, clearly having to explain that one too many times that day.

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