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Kaninzir stood, arms folded around his staff as it leaned against his shoulder. He appeared unconcerned as the others returned, only glancing their way and then returning his gaze to the Gaeradine, Fursang. Fursang still sat, bound, upon the ground, staring up at the old Priest. As Mythrd neared, dropping the saddlebags to the ground, Kaninzir turned his head, smiling.

"I didn't think you would have listened to Gythryn." He gave a quick look towards Fursang and the Gaeradine did not look at him with the defiance he once held. "I thought you would have released him by now. Why would you want to?"

"Fursang and I have spoken much while you were away." Kaninzir reached down a hand, patting the matted hair of Fursang. "He's a good boy, really. A little confused. I fed him, gave him water and spoke to him of the Guardians. He became quite helpful."

Mythrd crouched beside Fursang and checked him over. Apart from the bruising to his face, gained from his fight with Gythryn, almost hidden by his demonic war paint, he appeared unharmed. Mythrd felt a little ashamed that he had thought Kaninzir had hurt the Gaeradine. Were it Abbot Llwnthrn, he would not doubt the man would have become injured, or worse.

As he continued to check, however, he saw the eyes of Fursang falling upon him. The Gaeradine watched as Mythrd checked that the bindings had not cut into his wrists. He seemed very different from the aggressive, angry man that he and Agarang had left here less than an hour before. Mythrd wondered what Kaninzir had said to the man to change his attitude so much.

"I have to admit, I thought the old man would have ignored me, too." Gythryn rummaged in the saddlebags abandoned by Mythrd, taking out a lump of Norweed and smelling it. "This doesn't smell anywhere near as bad as those flowers. Are you certain it will do the same job?"

"Not at all, but we can try. The smell only emerges when the plants are broken, crushed." Kaninzir moved away from Fursang, taking the weed and closing his fingers upon a stem. The smell came straight away, almost choking Gythryn. "And I swore to the Guardians I wouldn't release him until you returned. I always do as I say. Mostly."

Even Fursang turned his nose up at the putrid smell that came from the crushed Norweed, turning his head, coughing and wrinkling his nose. He hadn't said a word since they had returned and now Agarang came to him, crouching in front of his kinsman and trying to catch a look into his eyes.

They locked gazes, saying nothing, and then Agarang placed a hand on Fursang's shoulder, nodding. Something had happened while he and Agarang searched for the Norweed. Something that had touched the Gaeradine warrior enough that he didn't react violently to the man that had, and would, betray the plans of the Gaeradine attack.

"You see, don't you? You see the truth of it." Resting an elbow on his knee, Agarang waved a hand towards the monoliths. "These ancient places, they are an anchor for the people of Iibar. You and I are as much part of this island as the Iibarish. We have seen what our people have become under Tracis Kha. They do not care for us. The Guardians will. If we care for and love them, they will care for and love us."

"I ... I'm not sure." Fursang looked towards the monoliths, his forehead creasing. "There were dreams. Dreams of places like this and of choices. Always choices. Until I came here, I thought them only dreams. Now ..."

"Now you have a chance to make those choices. Choose the Guardians and we can all work towards a peace and to help your people." Talk of dreams had stirred Mythrd's memories of his own dreams. It seemed the influence of the Guardians had started to spread already. "Or choose to remain a follower of Tracis Kha. The Guardians will think no less of you. You can only be who you wish to be."

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