Evening, May 21st (Apollo)

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(tw mentions of unhealthy relationships to food, specifically dietary restriction enforced by a parent. It's not super detailed, but it's there, so if that's an ick of yours, I'd recommend proceeding with caution, or waiting until you're in a better headspace to read it.)


I was determined, absolutely determined, to take legal action. I mean, this is essentially human trafficking, after all. Even if these aren't technically humans, they're still people. I just hope I can find a class action lawsuit to join, because starting one myself really seems like a hassle. 

But all of that can wait for now, between my conversation with the store owner, a few errands I had to run around town, and the fact that I was holding my first concert at 8 tonight while having a full work day tomorrow, I was happy to put all that stress out of my mind and just focus on eating dinner with my son, and his new... Roommate. Nico, I've learned his name is. 

It was pizza, again, because after everything that happened today, I didn't feel like cooking. I almost never do, and I know that's not the healthiest thing, but all things considered, it's not the end of the world. My ex-wife, however, would virulently disagree. 

See, ever since Will was little, she's tried to keep him on a pretty strict diet, for health reasons, she told me. Looking back, I realize it may have had less to do with health and more to do with appearances. 

I thought it was overkill from the start, but she was the doctor, not me, so I didn't have any right to object. Never mind that I went through five out of the seven years of medical school required and the only reason I dropped out was because only one of us could afford tuition with a baby in the picture, and she was closer than me, so I took the hit. She hung that over my head our entire marriage, like it was some personal failure on my part. 

At least now I'm free to pursue music, since all I have to pay the bills is a cushy part time job in the mail room. I couldn't imagine how hard it would be to leave behind a potential practice, not just for the money, not just for the respect, but because I don't know how I could handle the guilt of knowing that I could be doing important work, could be saving lives, and yet I'm abandoning them for fame and adventure and tight, bedazzled leather pants. 

What could be more selfish than that? 

Then again, I've said on multiple occasions that Kurt Cobain's music saved my life, and I wholeheartedly believe that, so who knows? Maybe I would tell myself I did for my fans what he did for me. 

Back to the topic at hand, his mother doesn't like to talk to me, even when it's about him, so I can't say for sure if she's lifted the junk food ban entirely, or even doubled down. But I do know she's very stuck in her ways, so it's a lot less likely to be the first one. After a whole school year of living with... That... I'm sure a summer spent binging on pizza, donuts, and the occasional takeout box from that one really good thai place would be completely normal, healthy even. 

Whoever was in charge of our guest must've been worse, far worse, judging by how voraciously he eats. It's like he's scared someone's gonna take it away, which honestly, I wouldn't put past the shopkeeper. 

Will didn't like un-stuffed crusts, and they were out of the stuffed variety when I pulled up, so he fed them to Nico, who took them into his mouth without question. I wanted to point out that he would throw up if he kept eating so fast, but I didn't wanna shame him. I've grown up with too much shame in my life, and I refuse to spread it, even if it meant we'd have to run Will's nicest bathrobe through the wash. 

As for me, I was saving room for those leftover brownies. I was so disappointed when I found out he made them for Nico and not me, but I was incredibly proud too, of what a mature and caring young man he's grown into. Watching how the two interact... It's like Will's a totally new person. He's not at all the anxious, moody, self-loathing teenage boy he usually is. In an ideal world, they wouldn't have met under these circumstances, but they're lucky to have each other in their lives, and I wouldn't be surprised if certain feelings developed. 

"Hey, darlin'." He cupped the Neko's face. "Your eyes are drooping. Are you getting sleepy?" 

He drowsily nodded, emitting a low purr. "Tummy hurts... I feel like I'm gonna pop." 

"I know honey. Do you think you'll be sick?" 


He kissed the top of his head. "Good. Now let's get you to bed, and you can sleep it off, ok?" He lifted Nico up into his lap and stood, carrying him upstairs. 

I grinned to myself. Whether Will and Nico became a couple or not, I was just glad my son had a friend.

He returned a moment later. "Alright... First order of business, we need to get him to a doctor, or a vet, or someone. I'm really worried about his broken rib. I've patched him up as best I can, but... He might need more sophisticated equipment." He sighed. "... The problem is convincing him. I don't know how he'll react to the vet, and although I don't like lying to him, I don't wanna risk him refusing, or panicking." 

I sighed. "... Yeah. I've done a little reading, and you're supposed to take them to a vet, not a doctor. I'm not sure if that's because their biology is different, or just because they're dehumanized, but I'd hate for him to get all worked up at the doctors only to be told they can't provide him the care he needs." 

"Well, it's a broken bone, how different can it be?" 

"That's the main complaint, but he could have other conditions lying under the surface that could affect him differently because of his species, or be unique to his species altogether." 

He nodded. "... So how do we convince him?" 

"Well... We could bribe him with food." 

"You think that'll work?" 

I shrugged. "Seems like it would be the biggest motivator for him, unfortunately." 

He hissed through his teeth. "Yeah... One more thing. Um... Earlier today he was upset because he missed his family, and in the heat of the moment, I... I told him I'd find them. But I don't even know where to start." 

"Look, don't worry about it right this very second. I'm sure we can figure it out, all three of us, together. For now... You should just relax, ok? I'm gonna go take a shower, and get dressed, and then I'll go. One thing... Can I tell any of my bandmates about this?" 

He chewed his lip. "Jeez dad... I'd normally say we need all the help we can get. But I'm not sure if I should just let you go blabbing on about Nico without his permission. It's a no for now, I'll need to ask him that eventually." 

I smiled a bit. "I'm very proud of you." I stood up and went to my bedroom to get my costume for tonight, then the master bath. I hope my son's new friend is sleeping soundly, he seems to need it. He looks so... Delicate. I can only hope Will and I are able to give him adequate care, and that he becomes stronger. 

Once I'm dried, dressed, and done up, I go downstairs, to see Will watching TV. "Alright, my phone number is on the fridge in case you forget it. If anything happens, call me. Unless it's really bad, then call 911 first, then call me once you're safe. Got it?" 

"Got it." 

I glance over my shoulder one last time before closing the door behind me. 

He's a good kid. He's gonna be alright. 

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