It was easy to find Carmen since she is standing on top of the bleachers watched the game unfold. I climbed up and she saw me.

"Hey Erica!" she said and grabbed the poster from me.

"Hi" I said and smiled at her.

"It's good to see you." Carmen said and gave me a hug.

"It's great to be here, and thank you for helping me." I said.

"No problem. Leah is going to flip her lid when she sees you." Carmen said.

I sat my stuff down and stood next to Carmen. She filled me in with everything that has happened before I got here. I found out that Leah is only playing in the outfield today and isn't even batting. Carmen told me that she has gotten bored of managering so her coach let her play center field. Carmen also gave me a hat so Leah won't know it's me from the field.

The game went by pretty quick and without incident. Leah made a few outs and one really nice play at the plate winning the game for her team. After the game was over everybody started to clear out and leave.

This is my chance. Carmen went down to the dugout to stall and I made my way to the field. I had to go all the way around the fence since that was the only way to get onto the field without being seen.

Carmen blocked the exit to the dugout while I sped walked onto the field. Once I got to the pitchers mound I unrolled the poster. The only thing written on it is surprise. I couldn't think of anything better so I made sure I put all effort into making it look good.

Leah grabbed her bag and went to leave the dugout. Carmen saw me and let her pass. Leah was looking back at Carmen and I was a little scared she wouldn't see me. But then she turned around.

Leah looked out at the field and her eyes landed on me. At first I think she was confused so I pulled the hat off my head a bit.

"Surprise!" I yelled. Once the word left my mouth Leah's eyes widen in shock. She dropped her bag and ran over to me. I let the poster fall onto the floor.

Once Leah got to me I jumped into her arms. She spun me around in her arms as I laughed.

"Are you really home?" She asked.

"Yes I am." I said. Leah put me down and stared into my eyes. Her hands cupped my cheeks and I couldn't help but bite my lip.

"Are you going to kiss me or what?" I asked quietly and bit my bottom lip, trying not to ruin the moment.

I could see the little blush of red on Leah's cheeks. She untucked my bottom lip from my teeth and leaned in. I met her half way and our lips collided. This kiss was better than our last. I don't know if it's because last time we kissed Leah was in a hospital bed but this time was so much better.

Leah's tongue battled with mine and I wouldn't let her win. I want to be in charge and Leah backed down a bit to let me win. When I couldn't breathe any more I pulled away taking a bit of Leah's lower lip with me.

"How was that?" I asked searching through Leah's eyes.

"Amazing" Leah said still trying to catch her breath.

"Are you girls ready to go yet?" Carmen yelled from somewhere.

"Way to kill the moment mom." Leah said under her breath.

"I have my car with me Carmen." I yelled back to her mother.

"Leah, remember the golden rule. No sex on the first date." Carmen yelled.

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