Assassin's Creed OCs with random powers that make no sense

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One of the things I can't stand when reading AC stories is when OC characters have weird powers that make no sense given the lore.

For example, there was a story I read about a girl who became an Assassin who had the ability to turn her vision red and suddenly become a better killer than all her fellow Assassins combined for a brief period of time... and it was revealed that it was a magic curse that the women in her family had... and, to be clear, this was indeed an Assassin's Creed story, as it was set during AC2, and featured a romance with Ezio.

No... tha-that's not how that works. There is no magic in AC... well, okay, at least not in AC1 through Syndicate. Still, when I asked the author where the hell this power came from, they said it came from the fact that Eagle Vision is a thing...

That's not how Eagle Vision works. It's not magic. The characters in 1-Syndicate have Eagle Vision because they have a small concentration of Isu genes. Up until Origins, everything in AC, even the Isu stuff, was able to be explained by videogame science.

Again, up until Origins came out, magic was not how Assassin's Creed worked. So stop making OCs have magic powers.

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