□Couples Fight □

Start from the beginning

"But we didn't," I cut in, "And now I'm now one step closer to solving this case. That is what is important." Right? Enid's breath got heavier as she tried to calm her anger. "I've tried... really, really, really hard to be your friend," She begins, "Always put myself out there. Thought of your feeling," I felt my eyes tearing up, why am I tearing up? "Told people, "I know she gives off serial killer vibes, but she's really just shy.""

"I never asked you to do that." I inform her, my voice was slightly shaking. I could tell how agitated she was getting when her voice had raised. "You didn't have to because that's what friends do!" She yells slightly, "They don't have to be asked," Her voice lowered slightly but was still raised, "The fact that you don't know that says everything." She finishes and grabs her stuff that she packed. I looked down, did I take too far? I just wanted to solve this case, but instead I'm losing the one person who showed me some sort of love. "You want to be alone, Wednesday?" She asks, turning back around to face me, "Be alone." She finalized and walks past me, she nudges my shoulder lightly as she walks past.

I stand there, looking over Enid's side of the room. God, Wednesday, what is wrong with you? I walk over to the window and sit where the room splits. I hug my legs and rest my face between my knees.

Goody warned I was destined to be alone. Maybe it's inevitable. But for the first time in my life, it doesn't feel good. I don't know what's wrong with me? All my life I have wished to be alone, when I blow the candles on my birthday cake or if I see a shooting star when I watch the stars every other night. But now that the only person who actually tried to befriend me had left and I was alone, it doesn't feel as exciting as I thought. Why? Why do i feel the need to push people who try away? Why do I not care? Enid was right. I don't know anything when it comes to friendship, I never cared enough. I only think about my problems. I only think of myself. We could've died tonight, and I focused on this case. Enid could have died tonight and I focused on myself. Why do I have these feelings towards Enid? I felt a tear run down my cheek. I wiped it away but they didn't more came. I'm crying. Instead of wiping them away I accepted them and hugged my legs tighter. I sob lightly as I hide my face in my arms.

The door to the room opens and I quickly wipe my face and stand up. It was Enid.

"I forgot to grab-" Enid was about to say something when she looks at my face, "Wednesday, are you crying?" Enid asks, stepping forward. My eyes widen and I turn my back to Enid. "What? No, that's absurd," I say, wiping my face and walking over to my bed, "I vowed to never cry again. You know this." I say, I put my feet on the edge of the bed and hugged my legs again.

"No, no, I think Wednesday Addams is crying." Enid teases lightly. Enid looks over at me and sighs, she sighs and walks over to the bed. She sits down with a reasonable amount of space between us. Enid opened her mouth to speak but i beat her to it. "I'm sorry," My voice cracked, it had never done that, "You were right. I have been too obsessed with this stupid case to care about your feelings or anyone else's. It's all my fault." I say, I avoid eye contact and let the tears leave my eyes.

I feel the bed move and a hand on my back. "I can't deny that you weren't out of line. But I don't think I should have said all that to you," Enid says, I look at her, she also had tears in her eyes, "I just got really scared earlier today."

"You had every right to say all that," I wiped my nose, "It actually opened my mind to realize how heartless and selfish I am." I stand up and walk over to my desk. Enid's eyes widen, "No, no, no, Wens, I didn't mean anything like that," She says and gets up to stand in front of me, "I get how important this case is to to you, but you seemed to only care about the case." I look down and swallow harshly.

"I know." I say. "Tell you what, I'll stay here with you," I look up into her eyes, a feeling of relief in my stomach that causes my shoulders to relax, "But," She continues, "you have to promise to think about other people safety and your own when doing something dangerous."

"Seems reasonable." I nod, Enid grins widely and a small smile appears on my face. "Can I hug you?" She asks, I look up at her confused at the question, "Well when someone cries I feel the need to hug them." She explains.

"Fine," Enid squeals, "but only for four to five seconds." I say, but it seems Enid heard wrong. "Forty five seconds?!" She squeals and jumps forward to hug me. "No-"

"Too late!" She says and wraps her arms around my torso. I sigh and relax into the hug, wrapping my arms around her shoulders my face nuzzled into her shoulder. It felt like forever until Enid slowly pulls away, I felt cold when her warmth left my body.

"Let's just agree to both say we're sorry on the count of three,"She suggests, I nod, "Okay, one... two... three," When she gets to three neither of us speak, "See, now I'm just disappointed in both of us." Enid says and lowers her hand. I smile softly and she grins wide back.

"Ooh, wait I know what else will cheer you up." Enid exclaims as she reaches into her pocket and takes out a sticker. She puts it out for me to take and I hold it with two hands. "You're giving me a sticker?" I ask confused on why I need it, still holding it with both hands. "Not just any sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying "me-wow!"" She points.

"I'm not a preschooler." I say, still holding it, Enid's face falls a bit. "Fine, I'll take it back." She says in a sad voice, as she reaches out to grab it I step back out of arms reach, she tries again but I do the same.

"I thought you didn't want it?" Enid asks confused as I continue to back up when she gets closer. "I never said that." I mumbled and looking down at the sticker, still holding it carefully.

How do you end these kind of things?


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