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hwang hyunjin
today was monday. the worst day of the week, legally. well, maybe not legally, but whatever.

i drove my car to school, which was not usual for me, but there was someone i wanted to impress. actually, i might impress the entire school anyway.

hana normally walked to school because she obviously didn't have a car. i could definitely drive her though.

as i saw her walking to school, maybe about ten minutes from the school, i slowed down.

as i slowed down next to her, she slowly turned her head towards my car, not knowing it was mine. she began to speedwalk.

my car went a bit faster, before she decided to full on run. and she was fast, too.

i lowered down my window and called out to her. "hana! wait!"

i didn't think she had heard me. she continued to run as fast as she could.

she slowed down and looked back at my car. she spotted my head hanging out the window, and froze.

"are you kidding me?!" she shouted at me as i pulled up next to her.

i winked at her. "want a ride? no charge." 

i could tell she thought about it. she shook her head and continued speed-walking. 

"please? c'mon." i begged her, having one hand on the steering wheel and one hand hanging out the window. "it'll be my apology."

i pressed the button and the car door opened up, going upward. she was shocked by how cool it was, and i couldn't blame her.

hana threw her bag inside my car and settled in the back. "this car is weird."

"why? the door?" i asked her with a chuckle.

"nah, it's just...i've never touched anything this expensive." she said, feeling all the seats. "ooh, and it has a seat heater!"

"isn't there a seat heater in every car?"

hana raised her eyebrow. "wait, really? i wouldn't really know since my parents don't have a car."

"that explains it." i pulled into the school parking lot. she opened the door and it went upward again. she began to walk away from my car without a 'thank you' for the ride, but it was alright.

lim hana
hyunjin was acting so weird. why was he all flirty with me? no way he likes me. i was just some weird unpopular girl that does everyone's homework for 5 dollars a paper. double if it's two-sided.

felix practically knocked into me as he saw me. "did i just see you exit hyunjin's million dollar car?!" he looked so pale, as if he was about to faint. honestly, me too.

"he caught me walking to school and asked me if i wanted a ride. dude, i was sweating so bad. so of course, i said yes." 

suddenly, a tap on my shoulder caused me to turn around. it was the freshman that hyunjin was holding hands with on the first day of school. 

"are you his sister?" she asked me, pointing to hyunjin. i shook my head.

"no way."

"why did you come out of his car? are you guys related? because i know that you guys aren't dating. you're too..." her sentence trailed off and felix interrupted her.

"she's too what, huh? nerdy? smart? unpopular?" felix shouted at her. the room went silent.

the silence was loud.

the freshman looked me up and down. "too...weird." 

"no, she's not." hyunjin said from behind her. she turned around in a millisecond and smiled. 

"hey, what's your business with her?" she put her hands on her hips and frowned. "we have potential, hyunjin." 

felix pulled me away from the conversation and sat me onto the benches. "she's so weird. she thinks she has a chance with hyunjin."

"neither do i," i chuckled, taking my bag off my back and putting it in my lap.

he looked at me as if i was stupid. "you do."

minho approached us and sat next to felix. "what happened in the hall? people are saying you fought some girl. had to come and see for myself."

"i didn't. she called me weird. until he," i pointed to felix. "pulled me here." 

"of course he did." minho chuckled and beckoned for a boy to come over. i didn't recognize him. "anyway, he has something to say to you."

the boy stood in front of me and inhaled. "i am very sorry about the girl. she is my sister, kim chaeyeon. trust me, she's not like that...she..."

"you got a dollar?" i smirked. felix facepalmed and minho mouthed the word 'no' to me.

the boy searched all of his pockets. "no..." he said, looking like he was about to cry.

"at least give me your name." i smiled. i reached my hand out and he shook it.

"kim seungmin. i'm a junior. am i forgiven?" he smiled, his braces showing.


minho gasped. "why wasn't i forgiven?! i had to give you a dollar!" 

i smirked. "well, he's just little. and cute."

opposites | skz hwang hyunjinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz