Chapter 8: Ready

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Yurei wounds were healing slowly but surely as some skin was showing as no sign infections could be seen. Collei seemed to be less nervous for approaching as she was able to get a bit of a conversation from her. Although... There was one strange quirk she notice. 

Morning had risen and Collei was off to deliver some breakfast. When she had arrived she had notice a dog on the bed and a strange lump on the floor with what looked like her metal arm sticking out like a cats paw ready to strike. 

Yurei felt someone approached and sprint to life only to cause Collei to scream. Yurei stood there awkwardly  as she was lectured about sleeping on the floor. 

"Why can't you just sleep on the bed like a normal person?" Tighnari asked with his hand on his hip. "Floor has a more potential of seeing is someone is entering."  

Tighnari sighed as she walked over to the desk. "Anyway, I have some reading to do to figure out who this person was. Tell Collei I apologize for the early morning scare" she said as she waved him off.  

Yurei heard him shuffle along as she read the notes. 

"Slime barrels were a possible use during the explosion" she mumbled to her self and looked through a book sitting on a shelf. 

"If that's the case they would need a mechanism to catch them" she thought as she scribbled them down.  She then started working all on various theories only for them to end up as trash on the floor. 

"It's hopeless, the only possible way to see the equation is to test it out." she yelled as she slammed her head onto the desk. Meanwhile Smoky was more  infused with tossing the paper around and throwing at her. 

She then picked her head up as she continued reading the notes. "Witnesses: none, list of suspects" her eyes widen at the first one "Arrow...." 

She had to process that. What would Arrow have that was so important to cause a scene so big? What would be the end game of getting the Akademiya to be on fire? 

She looked briefly through the notes as now this was a case to be involved in. "Slime barrels... Arrow... this case is a mess" she said outloud. 

Later, Tighnari had come by and place some medicine. "Tighnari" she called out. He was startle a bit as she wasn't to make a move into making a conversation. "Yes?" He asked as he was careful to be on guard. "What are the likely chance that my wounds affect me?"

They way she asked is as if she was demanding an answer. "Well all your major ones have been healing nicely, some of your minor ones have been healed but you may still experience slight discomfort if you walk around to long." 

He watched as Shadow weight her options. "Do you think I can go out in the city and the port?" She asked "I would recommend staying in the city till further notice" and with that she scurried off to pack her a small bag. "Tell Cyno I'm ready to be on the case the next time he comes by." 

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