Chapter 3: Prepare to Strike

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The storm had passed and it was bright and sunny out. She felt someone pounce on her to wake her. "Smoky go play by yourself" she stated as she rolled on her back. She heard Smoky huff and as in husky would do started barking and pouncing on her. "I want food" the dog seemed to talk but it was just barking pitched just right. She shoved them off which caused the dog to huff and to add to the annoyance, pull off the blanket. 

"Hey" she yelled as the morning sun hit her. "Fine, I'm up, happy?" She asked as the dog seemed to sit in great pride. 

Getting up and being ready, she went out to the forest as to gather food. Smoky trailed behind her to help her carry a bag. "These fruits look ripe" she stated as she pulled some from a small bush and held it so Smoky could sniff it. He let out a bark as to say it was. She put it in the bag as she pulled the rest off from the vine. "Let's see... It's not quite time for birds to be out but there should be some fish" she walked to a nearby river as it was too early for most prey to be out.  

Seeing the fish swim around, she waited for the right time to strike.  Smoky watch the waters as well. 

Seeing one approach, she was able to catch it quickly. Stepping onto dry land, she gathered wood for a fire seeing the storm knocked over some branches and whatnot. 

"So how do we get to catch this thief "Shadow" as you call them" Scaramouche stated more than asked as walked with Cyno. "Will most likely have to use the bait of some sort, however, they seem to target a very particular crowd. Scholars who have connections to crime related or someone who been in disguise." 

Scaramouche looked over to the taller man. "And you need my help why?" He asked as he didn't want to be a small-time thief. Then it clicked. "Wait, I'm the bait?" He yelled as Cyno nodded. 

"Yes, seeing that you have been a fatui harbinger you'll have a high chance of catching her attention" Cyno explained.   "Fine, but know I'm only doing this 'cause Nahida told me" Scaramouche stated. 

Yurei sneezed as she felt her nose run. "Must be a cold forming" she said out loud as Smoky seemed to let out a sneeze twice as loud as hers. "See, I told you not to sniff that flower." She watch as he let out a fit as she was carrying the bag. 

"Yeah, yeah go ahead and pretend you didn't do that and whatnot."

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