Chapter 15

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A month later...

Meg surprised Christine at her home when she heard Raoul would be out of town.

"Meg, what are you doing here? It's such a nice surprise!"

"Do I need an excuse to see my best friend?"

"Of course not! Come in!"

Christine ordered her maid to make them tea and sandwiches. The two of them sat down in the sitting room and waited for the tea and sandwiches to be served. Once the women were served, Meg began to make conversation. Finally, she began to speak of what she was there to talk about, "Chrissy, do you think he's gone?"


"The Phantom."

"Oh, I don't know, Meg. I assumed if he was alive he would have come for me again. But then maybe not..."

"Chrissy, what was the last thing that happened between you two?"

"I broke his heart, Meg. I took the engagement ring he gave me back to him. You should have seen the look in his eyes... So much hope then so much sadness."

"That's just terrible... Do you think he would've... hurt himself?"

"I wouldn't know. His temper and his mind... they're frightening. I don't know what he'd be capable of. Meg, Raoul never tells me anything. Did anyone die in the fire? I'm responsible for the disaster in some way, after all."

"Well, Piangi, a few audience members, and Amelie."

"Who's Amelie?"

"The ballerina with the pretty auburn hair. She was never found, so they assumed she died." Meg realized as she spoke what had happened to Amelie. Without giving anything away, she changed the conversation to something more pleasant. Later, she thanked Christine for her hospitality and went home.

Meg sprinted into the house and found her mother having dinner with Richard, "Meg, come eat," Richard said.

Meg was breathless, "I've figured it out! Erik took another ballerina!"


"Amelie... We all assumed she vanished, but it all makes sense now. She must have lingered in the Opera House to help people. You know how she was, and I bet Erik took her as a prisoner."

"But why? Wouldn't he have contacted us with demands by now?" Richard asked.

"No, he told me that all he wanted was a wife that he could take out on Sundays, to live the life of a gentleman. He's probably forced Amelie to stay with him," Antoinette spoke shakily.

"Regardless, we need to find him to warn him and probably rescue Amelie. I have a brother a few towns over that's a priest. He will let us stay in his church while we search. We leave tonight."

In Erik's and Amelie's home, they were happier than they ever could imagine. It was found that Amelie was expecting a child. Amelie was not barren after all as it was decided the child was conceived on their wedding night. By that estimation, Amelie was close to four months along.

Erik and Father Martin had forbade her from cleaning the church any longer, but had allowed her to create the floral arrangements for the church.

One day, Amelie was sitting in the church alone  working on an arrangement while Father Martin completed paperwork in his office. Amelie heard a gasp and then a voice, "My God! Amelie!"

She turned to see Meg Giry rushing toward her, "Meg! What are you doing here?"

"We came to find you. Are you being held against your will?"

"By who?"

"The Phantom!"

A deep voice from the back of the church could be heard, "Amelie? Father Martin said you need a break. You've been...." Meg's eyes met Erik's. She stared at his awkward walk with the cane and his arm clutched close to his chest. "What are you doing here? How did you find us?"

"We came to warn you and rescue Amelie."

"Rescue me?" Amelie laughed, "Meg, you've got it all wrong. We're married. We have a baby on the way."

"Mama assumed that he held you captive after the fire."

"Quite the opposite," Erik replied, "I was captive until Amelie saved me."

Meg looked terribly confused and then saw her mother, Richard, and Father Martin rush in, "Erik, they said they're here to warn you. Richard is my brother."

"Amelie!" Madame Giry ran to hug her, "We thought you had died! Has he hurt you?"

Fifi came into the church after playing with a little girl in the market next door, "Pops! Suzi wants to join the children's choir!" Fifi saw Erik and ran to hug him.

Erik seemed in a panic as he protectively scooped Fifi up with his good arm and held onto her, "I believe we all have some explaining to do here. Let me start and then I'll invite you all over to my home for dinner. Amelie saved me after the fire. I had a stroke. It took several months before I could even speak again. This is Amelie's niece who she gained custody of. I fell in love with Amelie and we married. Now, I'm going to be a father."

Richard Firmin stepped forward and shook Erik's hand, "Congratulations, Monsieur. I don't believe I ever had the pleasure of meeting you."

Erik let out a little laugh, "Thank you Monsieur Firmin."

Amelie spoke, "Why don't we continue these conversations at our home? We would love to have you all there."

Everyone made their way to the Destler home and shared in pleasant conversation. When Fifi had gone to bed, the more serious talk began.

"Erik," Madame Giry said shakily, "Raoul wants you dead."

"Madame, that's not new," Erik said.

"If I may," Richard spoke, "The police have concluded that you died in the accident. Raoul is obsessed though. He refuses to believe it until your body is found. He's got Giles Andrés all wrapped up in it too."

"Why not you?" Erik asked. "You have every right to hate me."

"Because of love," Richard smiled.

Erik and Amelie both looked confused.

Madame Giry spoke, "After the fire, I had no place to stay, same with Meg. Richard offered his home for a temporary solution. It seemed we had more in common than I thought. We started sharing things about ourselves... I spoke of you, Erik, and how I loved you like a son..." Madame Giry trailed off and was crying as was Erik.

Erik stood up and went to Madame Giry's side, "And I love you. I can never repay you for what you've done for me."

Richard's eyes were teary as he finished the story, looking at Amelie, "Because of love, I have come to protect you, him, and your children."

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