Chapter 1

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Erik's heart was shattering. He couldn't believe what Christine had done to him. She had betrayed him in the worst way possible, and then she had the nerve to kiss him like that. She didn't love him, and she never would.

As if that wasn't bad enough, his domain was destroyed. The place he loved most was in shambles, and there was nothing he could do about it.

He felt a sudden tingling sensation that filled his entire body and assumed that this was how he was to die, some massive heart attack from his heart break. His vision blurred and he lost feeling in his limbs. Stumbling for a few moments, he made his way to the music box. He grabbed for it, and it came tumbling to the floor with him.

As he laid on the floor, "Masquerade" played on repeat. Erik began to cry. In the cloudiness of his mind, he realized this is how he would die. This was the end for the infamous Phantom of the Opera.

Amelie had watched the disaster occur, and she couldn't help wondering what had happened to that poor man. She had to warn him what they were going to do to him if they found him. Listening to the chatter after the fire, she had heard that a search party was going back later that night to find the infamous Phantom. If he was found, he would be put on public display and then publicly beheaded.

Amelie had been a ballet rat, but she was disliked by the other girls, including Christine. Meg had been kind to her, but she assumed that was only due to Madame Giry. She wasn't like the other ballerinas. Simply put, she was too compassionate and kind to fit in.

Amelie generally wasn't adventurous, but something forced her to travel deeper and deeper into the deserted opera house. She wouldn't have gone any further, normally she wouldn't have the courage to, but she heard someone moaning in pain and she had, after all, come with the goal of warning the Phantom. With her heart racing, she called out, "Hello? Is there someone down here?"

The moaning ceased. She had to find this person. They were obviously seriously hurt!

How could there be someone down here? Erik thought. He instantly stopped making any noise. It was better this way, he reasoned. Even if this girl would help him, he would still be a menace to the world. More than likely, she and her other friends had come down to taunt him. He couldn't even protect himself from their words in the state he was in. Let alone any physical abuse they planned to inflict upon him.

Amelie was determined now to find this individual. Her parents had taught her to help others, and she thought it would be a grave dishonor to their memories to not help someone in need. She kept calling out and talking, "I'm coming to find you! I promise! Are you hurt? Call out to me!"

Erik kept deathly still and quiet hoping that this insufferable child would leave. He had made his peace with death and the prospect of going to hell. After all, hell couldn't be much worse than this life he endured.

Though he was willing and wishing away this individual, the footsteps came closer. He thought maybe that if he shouted out a warning, she would leave.

"Mmmmmmmaaaaaaaaa!" What was that? He thought to himself. He tried again, "Ggggggrrrrra!" What is happening to me?
The words had formed in his mind, but he couldn't make them exit his mouth.

Amelie heard the noises and moved quickly toward them. Then she saw him. A figure lay on the ground almost motionless with a damaged music box next to him. "Oh my God," she gasped.

The figure jerked a tense hand up in an attempt to cover his face.

"No, stop," Amelie said with a calming voice as she knelt next to him. "I won't hurt you... What happened to you, Monsieur?"

He couldn't speak, but he gestured to the one limp side of his body while still covering his face.

"Stop that. You're sick..."

The man's face fell and he began to whimper.

Amelie reached out and put a comforting hand on his shoulder, "We need to get you out of here," she said quietly.

Erik again tried to speak but was unable to produce words.

"Let's try this a different way. If I help you, do you think you can move?"

Erik nodded.

"Then we must go. Thank God I found you before they did... Oh what they would've done to you in this state..."

Erik stared at her.

"I came to warn you."

"Mmm... mmm... me?" Erik stuttered out.

"Yes, you. You didn't deserve this. God, Christine..." she shook her head, "It's sinful how she treated you."

Erik began to sob.

"Oh, don't cry," Amelie said, wiping away his tears, "It's alright. Come, I'll take you to my sister's. She's a widowed midwife. She'll at least have medicine to help you."

Slowly, ever so slowly Erik stood and began leaving the lair for the last time. All of his things were left behind including his mask.

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