Chapter 18

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Time seemed to stand still for a moment. Erik thought for a moment that surely he had been shot by the way Christine screamed, but when he looked over his shoulder, he realized that it was much worse than that. Father Martin clutched his chest and staggered toward Erik. "Father Martin..." Erik mumbled as he caught him.

"I came to tell you that Fifi had woken up and wished to know where her Pop was," he wheezed.

"Don't waste your energy, Father Martin. Help! We need help!" Erik yelled.

Quickly, Richard emerged from the house, "My God! Martin!" Richard ran toward his brother.

Christine stood by numbly still holding the weapon.

"I have to go get a doctor," Erik said. Quickly, he ran to the small stable where he kept Cesar II and rode into the closest town to find a doctor.

Meanwhile, Antoinette, Richard, and Meg moved Father Martin into the house. Once Father Martin was resting comfortably, and heavily medicated by liquor that Amelie had retrieved, Meg went outside.

Christine still stood in the same place with the gun dangling from her hand.

"Christine?" Meg said quietly.

"Oh, Meg... What have I done?"

"Christine, I can't have a conversation with you holding that thing. Put it on the ground."

Christine began to cry, "Meg, I can't live my life without the Phantom... It is hollow and empty."

"He's not the Phantom anymore... He's a father and a husband. You have to let go."

Erik rode back on the horse with a doctor riding along with him. After Erik got off of the horse, he helped the old doctor down and led him inside the house. The doctor did everything he could for Father Martin, but in the end, the doctor delivered the news to Richard that his brother would not survive the wound.

"I'm so sorry," Erik said quietly to Richard.

"It's not your fault. Come, the man isn't gone yet. He was asking for you earlier," Richard said, tearfully.

Erik and Richard entered into the room where Father Martin was resting. He looked peaceful, but his face was drained of its usual color. It was clear that he was dying. "Erik! Come here. There's something I need to tell you. Richard you can stay." There was a pause as Erik sat down near Father Martin. Suddenly, Erik felt tears springing to his eyes. One of the only men who acted as a positive male influence in his life lay here dying. Erik's heart was breaking. "Erik, I know that my time is up, and I have to tell you that you are on the right path. Amelie, Fifi, and your newest child... They are gifts from God that you deserve-"

"I don't deserve them, Father Martin. I've been a horrible man."

"Right there, Erik... You've changed," Father Martin rasped. "When I first met you, you would have called yourself a monster, but now you see yourself as a horrible man. One day, I pray, you will see yourself as a good man: a good father, a good husband, a good friend."

Erik began to cry, "Father Martin, how will I go on? You're one of the only people who has seen me for what I really am... for what I really want to be?"

"You mustn't need me anymore, Erik. You are doing a fine job. Richard?"

"Yes, Martin?" Richard reached for his brother's hand.

"I need a favor."


"Richard, take care of Erik for me. He's a good fellow."

"Of course, brother. Anything."

"And Richard?"

"Marry Antoinette. She makes you very happy. Happier than I've seen you in a long time."

Richard nodded sadly, "I wish you didn't have to go, Martin..."

As Father Martin Firmin lay dying, he began to recite scripture: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want..." until there was no more life left in his body.

Despite the many tears mourning a good man, Richard had one thing left to do for the evening. He went on the search for Raoul. After all, Richard had to return Christine to Raoul. She was still in shock and had just sat down in the front lawn unable to move. Upon finding Raoul, he grabbed him by his shirt collar in a rage, "You!" He shouted.

"Monsieur Richard! What is the meaning of this!"

"Your wife killed my brother! You are responsible for the death of a good man."

Raoul's face dropped.

"Leave us alone forever or I will have your wife sent to the gallows for what she's done."

"Who's us?" Raoul asked.

"Me, Antoinette, Meg, Erik, Amelie, Fifi... All of us."

Nervously, Raoul nodded, "You have my word, Monsieur."

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