Chapter One

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Hi I'm Monday and your a little behind so let me catch you up to speed on why I'm going to nevermore academy with my sister.

I was walking in the hall with my twin sister Wednesday. Unlike my sister I didn't wear braids I keep my hair down.

Then the bell rang as me and Wednesday walked to our lockers. Wednesday opened hers pugsley tied with an apple in his mouth and he falls down on to the floor.

Wednesday then takes out the apple in his mouth. "We want names." We say in unison as we look at pugsley.

"I don't know who they were, honest." Pugsley says while he looks like he's going to cry. "It happened so fast" pudsley says as we begin to untie him.

     "Pugsley." I started, "emotion equals weakness." Wednesday finishes my sentence. "Pull yourself together." I say as pudsley try's not to cry.  "Now!" Wednesday says and once we tug on the rope I feel as if I'm teleported somewhere.

     I see jocks bullying pugsley then I see them shove him into a locker and put a apple in his mouth. Then I get a good look at them, I recognize them from the swim team.

     Guess me and Wednesday are going to go to the swim team. Although it will probably mean I won't be going swimming that day. Eh who cares as long as I see them suffer for hurting my brother.

     They then shut the door and I get sent back to reality. I see Wednesdays head fall back to where it was meaning her vision was also over.

   The bell then rings again and I look at pugsley who looks confused, " you ok?" Pugsley asked.

"Leave this to us." I say and we get up, "Monday? Wednesday?" Pugsley says as we walk away from him. We stop and turn to him, "what are you guys gonna do?" Pugsley asks. "What we do best." We say but I say more excited as I think about we are gonna do.

Me and Wednesday's walk to the swim area, "Yo, Dalton, look." One of the jocks says. "Pigsley's sisters." The jock continues and the jocks look at us. "Hey, freaks this is a closed practice." Dalton says to us and they chuckle.

"The only people who gets to torture our brother is us." Me and Wednesday say together. We then reveal the plastic bags with piranha's and I smile as I watch the jocks stop smiling.

They begin to swim to the other side and we release the piranha's I giggle as I watch them swim to the other side of the pool. Wednesday then looks over to me and I try not to burst into laughter but Wednesday just rolls her eyes at me.

The whistle is blown over and over and then I see Wednesday smile. The dude then screams in terror and I smile even wider and so does Wednesday.

Well then of course we get sent to the principal which everyone for some reason is scared of him but he's just a very plump guy that has nothing better to do then boss around kids.

Now I'm in a car with my parents who never stop kissing or showing each other love. I don't mind it until they kiss or make out that's when I need to walk away or tell them to stop.

I was sitting in front of my parents with Wednesday next to me. Pugsley was in the front with lurch driving.

My parents begin to sing with the song that is playing. Then of course they kiss, the pull away. "Darlings, how long do you intend on giving us the cold shoulder?" Mother asks me and Wednesday.

    "Lurch, please remind our parents that we are no longer speaking to them." Me and Wednesday say in unison. Lurch grunts, "hmm." Mother says looking away.

    "I promise you, my little vipers, you will love Nevermore, won't they Tish." Father says but ask mother the last part. "Of course,  Its the perfect school for them." Mother says look at father.

    "Why? Because it was the perfect school for you?" Wednesday says, "we have no interest in following in your footsteps." Wednesday says.

    "Becoming captain of the fencing team."  Me and my twin say in unison. "Queen of the dark prom." Only Wednesday says I wouldn't mind it if I won it.

    "President of the Séance Society." Me and Wednesday says "I merely meant that finally you will be among peers who understand you girls. Maybe you'll even make some friends" Mother says.

"Nevermore is like no other boarding school. It's a magical place. It's where I met your mother and we fell in love." Father says as he goes to kiss mother at the end of the sentence.

"You guys are making us nauseous." Me and my twin say. And our parents turn to us, "not in a good way." Wednesday says.

"Darlings, we aren't the ones who got you expelled. That boys family was going to file attempted murder charges. How would that look on your records?" Mother says

"Terrible" me and Wednesday say. "Everyone would know we failed to get the job done." I say "hmm." Mother says like always.

After 4 minutes we arrive at nevermore academy. Yay.... Not really glad about it. Mother says, "at least it's turning into a beautiful day." Mother says looking out the window at the rain.

Then the car stops and we get out of the car.
It is a lovely place, although I don't want to be here.

"Let's go." Mother says and we walk to the principals office. Then mother opens the door and we sit down.

Let the chaos begin.

(A/N: Hey everyone I won't be posting on the weekends since I'll be writing the chapters on the weekend then and posting them during the week. If it changes I'll post another authors note)

   (Also feel free to comment.)

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