00, the downfall

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ATHENA was beyond worried when her grandfather wouldn't wake up. Joseph was a very heavy sleeper, so it wasn't unusual for him not to waken so easy. But things was different. There were helicopters flying above their home, and armed men all over her street. Neighbours were piling their belongings into their cars, and practically leaving their skin behind when they left—like it was a cartoon.

Nerves were bubbling in the blondes stomach. She had no idea what was happening. She knew there was a deadly virus, and she heard it was turning people into cannibals. However, the CDC took control of everything, so why was everyone evacuating their homes. They were no where near the hospital. No where near the danger.

She ran her hands down her face, and poured herself a mug of tea. There was always something so comforting about a hot mug of tea. Maybe it was the single teaspoon of sugar she added, or the tea bags she brought home from England—or, maybe it was the fact that her grandfather made her, her first ever mug of tea when she was six years old.

Her mother had just dropped her off with him, no warning, no saying when she'd be back. Athena couldn't stop crying, and Joe didn't know how to help her. He settled on giving her his freshly poured tea, and watched as a smile immediately took over her face after one sip.

As she stirred her drink, she watched the browning beverage whirl around her spoon, and listened to the spoon clanging against the mug. She took in a deep breath. In..1..2..3..out. She looked out at her back yard, taking notice at the lack of life. There were usually squirrels playing at the root of the large tree, birds bathing in the bird bath Joseph and Athena made when she was eight, and a stray cat sitting on the fence waiting for his food.

She sat down and turned on the radio. There was staticky friction for a couple of seconds before the audio was clear. There was talk of a town evacuation. You'll be safe in Atlanta. The undead. The dead are walking amongst the living. Stay safe. There's no cure. Intrigued, Athena tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and moved closer to the box.

"Grandpa!" She called out. Nothing. "Grandpa, you should hear this!" There was a little bit of a clutter above her. Finally. The movement continued down the stairs, although it sounded like he threw himself straight down them. "There's an evacuation." She turned around to face him once she heard him grow closer to her.

Growling. That's the only sound he let out. She furrowed her eyebrows. "Are you feeling okay?" He stumbled. "Maybe you should sit down." She moved around him to grab a chair—but he fell into her sideways, continuing to make inhumane noises.

Her stomach began to twist and turn in every possible direction, and she felt her legs go numb. No. There was no way this was happening. Not to him. No. She assumed this was what the radio was talking about. The undead. This meant he died in his sleep, and she didn't even notice. How could someone not notice their own grandfather dying.

"Grandpa." She choked out, backing into a corner. "It's me. It's Athena." She whispered, tears brimming her eyes. "I'm so sorry." He walked into the table. "Please." He, no, it was still walking toward her. "I love you." She sobbed. She slid down the wall, bringing her knees to her chest, and hugging them. Her eyes shut tight, hoping it would hurt less if she couldn't see anything.

Thud. She snapped her head up. Dale Horvath, a friend of her grandfathers. He sadly gazed at the younger girl, crouching down to help her up. He wrapped his arms around her and let her cry into his shirt. "It's okay, kiddo." He tried his best to comfort her, but in a situation like this, how is anyone supposed to feel comforted? "We've gotta get out of here, Thenes." He pulled back, looking at her tear stained face. "We've gotta get to Atlanta."

Athena scoffed. "I can't leave him, Dale." Tears were still lining her eyelids, and her nose was red and stuffy. "He's the only family i've ever had." Her voice was cracking. Her whole world just fell apart—The whole world just fell apart.

"You need to. It's the only way we'll survive."

She shook her head, looking at the shell of the only person she's ever loved, that's ever loved her. "I'd rather die in here with him, than live out there with them." She held his forearm, giving him a look of appreciation for trying to help her out.

Dale hummed, wiping away a stray tear from the blondes rosy cheek. "Okay." He turned around slowly, and made his way over to the table and took a seat. "Then i'm staying with ya, kid."

Athena frantically shook her head. She couldn't let him give up for her. She isn't worth it. "Dale, please don't do this." She pleaded. "Don't put this on me." She was sitting in front of him, desperately trying to understand why he wound do this.

"Kiddo, you and your Grandpa are the only family i've had in a long time. If you want to stay here, i'm staying here with you." He quietly told her, placing a gentle hand on her knee.

Athena swallowed the lump forming in her throat, and took another look at what was left of her grandfather. She gnawed on her lip, and shut her eyes momentarily. Joseph wouldn't let her give up that easily. She knew that. She had to make him proud— even if that meant leaving for Atlanta.

She turned to look at Dale and smiled shyly. "I'm not letting you stay here for me. Atlanta doesn't sound so bad, anyway." She shrugged.

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