The Love Square

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Sorry for the pun title ;-; but hey I updated the photo! Have a great day guys! ^-^
You dragged your feet all the way to Ms. Bakers class.

Jeff was at his seat before anyone else.

He was writing something down. It looked like math problems.

You sat down.

He looked over at you and smiled.

"Hello (y/n)."

He said.

You waved silently.

"Oh! I have something for you."

He whipped around to open his backpack.

You looked curiously at his backpack.

He pulled out a light pink rose with a pink ribbon.

"I got this for you. I thought you might like it. At least thats what my moms said."

You blushed lightly as you accepted the rose.

"Do you like it?"

You smiled and nodded.

"Thanks Jeff."

You said.

He beamed and went back to his work with a smile on his face.

You held the rose in your hand and twirled it.

It was really pretty and in full bloom.

The bell rang for class to start.

Sumo and Clarence wandered in with gummy worms hanging out of their noses and on their heads.

"Hey Jeff!"

Clarence bellowed accross the room.

"Yeah hi Jeff!"

Sumo yelled after.

Jeff sighed.

"Hi gu-"

Jeff was cut off by Clarence flopping over his desk.

"Hi (y/n)!"

Clarence said.

"Hi Clarence."

You said.

"Oh oh! I have something for you. Just hold on."

Clarence said while digging through his backpack.

He pulled out a crumpled box of chocolates in the shape of a heart.

"Here you go."

Jeff's face turned from peach to bright red.

Sumo clapped his hands together and ran to his desk.


Jeff said through clenched teeth.

"'Sup buddy?"

Clarence said.

"I thought we discussed this!"

Just then Sumo came back from his desk and brought a wrinkled card with two fat cats hugging.

"Happy birthday."

He said as he handed you the card.

"Not you too Sumo!"

Jeff whined.

You accepted the card and the box of chocolates.

Just then Ms.Baker came in.

"Alright boys. Go back to your seats please."

"Alright Ms.Baker."

"Yeeeeaahh... okay."

Clarence and Sumo ran back to their seats.

Ms.Baker looked down and saw all the items on your desk.

"Ooo (y/n)! Looks like someone is popular today."

You blushed as you shoved everything but the rose in your backpack.

You kept the rose on your desk.

You were so confused on why Clarence and Sumo gave you gifts.

You assumed why Jeff gave you the gift.
"I told you guys not to do that!"

Jeff yelled at Clarence and Sumo.

"Ah Jeff. You're just being silly."

Jeff grumbled.

"Yeah Jeff. She's new! C'mon Jeff."

Jeff crossed his arms.

"But you guys know why I gave her the rose..."


Jeff mumbled.

"Because... you know.."

Clarence shook his head.

"I forgot."

"I-I like her.."

Jeff blushed.

Clarence looked over at Sumo.

The two giggled at each other.

"Stop it guys!"

The two continue to giggle.

Jeff groaned and walked away.

"I think we made him mad."

Clarence noted.

"Nah. He's probably just going to find (y/n)."
Clarence shrugged and the two walked after Jeff.

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