Chapter Eight: Into the Unknown

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Happy late Thanksgiving! It's been a bit since I last updated, but I've been busy. Why do professors like to give us so much homework a few weeks before finals? I had to write a research paper, work on a group project, design a 12-page newsletter, and bunch of other assignments that distracted me from finishing this chapter. Thankfully, I managed to finish most of my assignments and completed this chapter before finals in a couple of weeks. Hopefully, once the semester is over, I'll find more time to write and update sooner.

I also saw Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, and holy cow, it made me cry. And I'm not putting that lightly. It takes a lot to make me cry, and that movie was absolutely heartbreaking. Even though people have made it political and whatnot, I highly recommend watching this movie. I've got ideas for another story featuring Bast (plus a few others that are commonly featured in my stories) as the main character, so if you have any ideas or questions, I'm all ears. It'll be a while before I get to that since I've got way too many story ideas, but it's one that I for sure plan to write.

Anyway, this chapter has been weighing on my mind for a while. I had ideas, I just had to write them down. It's a little shorter than usual, but more interesting stuff is coming. :)

Chapter Eight: Into the Unknown

The enlistment check-up building smelled of ink and sweaty men. Sitting a chair furthest from the official's desk, Suzie held up a newspaper to cover her face. Even though Becca had done a wonderful job trimming Suzie's hair to match the style that young men wore, Suzie still felt exposed and vulnerable surrounded by military doctors and officials. The military police did not spare her a passing glance when she first entered the building, but Suzie did not want to risk dealing with them.

The words on the newspaper blurred as Suzie tried to focus on the sprawling sentences instead of the dozen shirtless men surrounding her. For once in her life, her lack of a prominent chest did not remind her of the girls in middle school teasing her about her flat chest. She had grown a bit since then, but the shirt she wore hid the rest of her bosom. Becca had a bigger chest than her, something Suzie felt a little jealous about; now, her physique helped to blend in. Even so, someone would notice if she walked in shirtless. She hated changing in the locker rooms at school. Being one of the only women in a room full of men tripled that uncomfortableness.

Better to act like an awkward, teenage boy too uncomfortable with his body instead of causing a scene of public indecency. Besides, Steve rarely walked around shirtless. The military police did not yell at her, so Suzie assumed that she did not have to follow the rest of the shirtless men. As long as she could finish the exam without them catching her.

"Riley Barnes?" a nurse called. It took a second for Suzie to realize that the nurse meant her instead of her cousin. Once Suzie gathered herself, the nurse motioned for Suzie to head into a curtained-off area.

The walk from the chair in the corner to the exam area was more nerve-wracking than expected. Trying to act confident, Suzie lifted her head and avoided eye contact with the other men. Her heart hammered in her chest and sweat beaded on her forehead. Perhaps she should have worn a thinner shirt, no doubt her sweat would stain the gray fabric.

The nurse closed the curtains once Suzie entered the exam area. She beckoned for Suzie to take her shoes off and stand next to a height measurement chart on the wall. Following that, the nurse had Suzie stand on a scale for her weight. Soon after, the nurse jotted down a few notes on her clipboard and gave Suzie a once-over.

Suzie raised an eyebrow, worrying that the nurse could see through her shabby cover. She had hoped that Bucky's old clothing and a haircut would be enough, but maybe they were not as stupid as she had thought.

Oh Suzannah, Don't You Cry For MeWhere stories live. Discover now