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They kids were allowed to go home and Hoseok had contacted police and they set up a date where people would come out and talk to them

Which happened to be today. NamJoon woke them up and got them dressed

"Mommy who is coming?" Ji-Woon asked "Someone, they just wanna ask you questions about what happened" NamJoon said "Okay mommy" she said

The detectives arrived "Hi my name is Jisoo, this is my coworker Jennie we'll be talking to them" She spoke and showed her badge to confirm she was the actual detective

Hoseok let them in and NamJoon was sitting with Ji-Woon and Jung-Min

"Alright, so I understand you wanna be near them, but as a procedure you have to sit away so they're not looking at you for answers." Jisoo spoke

"And if you have toys they can play with as we talk to them, so we can kinda catch them off guard. We know you haven't said anything to them, but the grandfather could've said something and kids have a good memory" Jennie explained and NamJoon nodded

"Jung-Min doesn't speak alot, so please understand he's not ignoring you" Yoongi explained and they nodded

Hoseok brought a few toys and they started playing with them. The three backed up and watched and they played

"Hi guys" Jisoo spoke first Ji-Woon looked up "Woah so pretty" she said and touched Jisoo's face

"Aww thank you sweet heart. Who's the doll you're playing with?" Jisoo asked

"Her name Rosie" Ji-Woon spoke "We have a girlfriend named Rosé, we call her Rosie as well" Jennie spoke and Ji-Woon smiled

"Hey Jung-Min, do you have a favorite toy?" Jisoo asked, Jung-Min looked down

"Oh come on little guy, I know you have a favorite toy that either your daddies or your mommy got you" Jisoo added

"Hmh then I'm gonna have to go Mr. Tickles" Jisoo said and went to Jung-Min and tickled him and he started laughing

"Are you gonna tell me now?" Jisoo asked and Jung-Min nodded "Mr. cuddles, I like him. Daddy give him to me, and I wove it" he got his teddy bear and hugged it

"Ahh okay, Ji-Woonie is grandpa a good or bad guy" Jennie asked

"Bad guy" She said and picked up a stuffed spider

"This is grandpa" She had the toy in her hand "Yes and den this is me an Ji-Woonie" Jung-Min got two blocks out

"What did grandpa do?" Jisoo asked

Ji-Woon pushed the two blocks over "hurt us" she said and looked at the two

"Does mommy hurt you?" Jennie asked "No, mommy neber hurt us" Jung-Min answered "Wove mommy" He added and NamJoon smiled sadly

"What about papa and daddy. Do they hurt you?" Jisoo asked "nooo silly unnie. Papa and daddy wove us" Ji-Woon laughed about how funny her Unnie sounded

"Yes silly me" Jisoo spoke "Now, can I ask you. How did you fall into the pool?" Jennie asked

"Papa push Jungie in and me hab to help Jungie, so I go in but don know how ta swim" Ji-Woon spoke

NamJoon cried hearing that Ji-Woon was smart enough at 3 to jump in to try and save her brother

"Okay, good girl for trying to help your brother. That's very good of you" Jisoo praised her and she smiled

The two wrote stuff down and then set their stuff down

"Alright" Jisoo looked up "I'm gonna strip them of their clothes so we can look for injuries" Jisoo said and the two looked at NamJoon

"That's okay" NamJoon nodded and Yoongi side hugged NamJoon "Your bring strong babe, I'm proud" Yoongi kissed his head

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