"Awe thank you, honey!" She sighed, picking up her fork and resting her head on her hand. "I can't believe how old I am getting. Soon I'll be nothing but a pile of dust!" Max chuckled, sitting down right next to his mother. He didn't eat anything as he watched his family eat, he'll get Pop-Tarts at his college.

At 8:30 a.m. Max went up to his room to grab his bag and went outside to wait for the bus. His first class was at 9:30 a.m. and he wanted to get there early. He walked to the bus stop, looking ahead he found one of his friends.

"Max! Max, you're late!" She whined; she was overdressed for his taste. She wore a brown scarf and a light brown overcoat that went past her hips with big black buttons running down along the middle. She wore a short black skirt with black tights underneath and brown boots that ended right under her knees.

"Yeah yeah, I didn't feel like getting out of bed today." Max chuckled, rubbing the nape of his neck. It was only now that he took in the surroundings around him. Light snow fell from the sky, putting light powder on the recently cleaned road. Where the lawns would be, sat five inches of snow. It was not that rare to have this much snow so late in the year at their elevation.

"Ugh! You're hopeless! Why am I even friends with you?" She said, her face covered with heavy makeup. Max chuckled, why was she friends with him? They only have like, two classes together and when they are in their shared class, they sit on opposite ends of the lecture hall.

The bus slowly arrived, and the two adults walked in. They sat next to each other, immediately going on their phones. That is until Max's friend had something to say. "Hey Max, did you know that a new guy is supposed to come to our college?"

Max put down his phone at this, turning to his friend. "Oh really? How do you know?"

"Our professor texted me!"

"How do you have our professor's number-"

"Doesn't matter!" She yelled, Max winced, he hated loud noises. "Apparently he's going to be in our class! He just moved here from Russia! I wonder how hot he is! Do you think he'll think of dating me? I mean, I'm obviously the prettiest girl there!" She flipped her hair, her acrylic nails snatching some of her strands.

Max snorted. "Sure, he'll be head over heels for you. You do know the popularity contest stopped as soon as you graduated high school, right?" Max wasn't one to be sarcastic, but by now he was tired of her endless tweets about her relationship.

She huffed, crossed her arms, and turned away from him. She knew she was going to get her revenge soon. She slid a sung grin on her face and turned back around to Max. "Hey Max, when's your birthday again? I forgot." Easily turning her friendly persona back on.

"I am going to turn 21 on May 23rd. When's yours?" Max asked. He watched his phone, looking at the lessons he had to do for today.

"Not important. Look, you're 20, right?" Max nodded his head, looking up and confused at her new entitled voice. "Mr. Miller said that he's 22! He's a little too old for you, so I suggest that you stay away from him."

"It's only a two-year difference. It's not like my parents who are seven years apart! And even then, that's not that bad! Studies have shown that 11% of the world's married couples have an age gap of six to nine years! Why are you even telling me to stay away in the first place?" Max borderline yelled, he didn't really like this attitude, it was reminding him of Delilah.

"How do you even know that? Never mind! I'm telling you this because he's mine! It's so obvious you're gay! Just stay away from my man!" She wailed, standing up and stamping her feet.

"Jesus Christ stop it! You're acting like a five-year-old, or even worse a Karen! And anyway, I'm not gay! Sure, I'm part of the LGBTQ community but I'm not gay!" He screamed, standing up as well and staring her directly in the eyes. He didn't even realize what he said, it was all spur of the moment.

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