2: 'The one where I have my first night at college...'

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I triple check that the door is locked before I settle myself into my bed with my laptop firmly sat in my lap. Lara informed me that she was going to a frat party, and she wouldn't be coming home tonight. 

I was partly relieved when she left but I also couldn't help but feel saddened by the fact that I'm spending my first night at college all alone. Which I guess is my fault, Luke invited me to come out with him and I refused.

I just wasn't ready to be in an environment with new people, moving in was hard enough.

A small smile tugs on the corner of my lips when I feel my phone vibrate and I check the caller I.D, 'Hey Scar.'

'Hey pretty girl! How's college life treating you?'

I laugh softly, 'I've only just got here, so I can't really tell yet.'

'What's your roommate like? Wait don't tell me. I don't think I can handle it, if you end up replacing me.'

I roll my eyes, 'I'm not replacing you, don't worry. S-She's okay.'

I could picture the frown on her face, 'You don't seem too sure about that.'

I shrug, 'I-I guess, she isn't the friendliest of people.'

'Maybe, she just needs a little bit of time to warm up. Sometimes it can be hard to meet new people.'

I fiddle with the edge of my blanket, 'Y-Yeah, maybe.'

Her laughter echoes my ears, 'Have you seen Luke's Insta story? He looks absolutely smashed.'

I hadn't mostly because I was refraining from going on any type of social media, because I didn't want to be reminded by the fact that I wasn't ready for the normal college experience.

'I-I haven't actually, I'll check it out after.'

'Autie, you don't sound like yourself. What's up?'

A shaky sigh escapes my lips, 'I-I guess, I'm just finding it a little harder than I expected.'

'That's okay, it's a big step. I'm really proud of you.'

My heart warms, 'Thanks Scar, I miss you.'

'Not as much as I miss you! I'm literally driving myself crazy, do you understand how annoying it is to be stuck in bed all day? I've had to force Rocky to come round and watch Tangled with me...Opps judging from the way that he is looking at me, I wasn't supposed to tell you that.'

I laugh softly when I hear an annoyed grunt in the background, 'I'll let you go now, so you can continue to hold Rocky against his will.'

'A-Are you sure? I don't mind staying on the phone.'

'Y-Yeah it's fine, I might try and make some friends or something.'

That was a complete lie, but I didn't want to seem totally pathetic.

'See, you're already putting yourself out there! You're doing amazing Autie, don't ever forget that.'

But I'm really not, I'm literally seconds away from a panic attack.

'I-I won't, bye Scar.'

'Bye Autie!'

I feel my entire mood deflate the second that the line goes dead, tears burn the corner of my eyes as I try and search Netflix for something to watch.

It was only 10pm, this was going to be one long night.


My heart stops when I hear frantic banging against my door, I feel my entire body tense and tremble simultaneously. I slowly trudge out of bed, when I hear the knocking intensify.

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