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At Khushi's Home.

Khushi's parents were glaring at Khushi after hearing just Khushi told them a moment ago.

''Arnav and me want to get marry.''

''Khushi! What are you talking about? Marriage? With Arnav bitwa?'' Garima asked in angry tone, she know her daughter very well, Khushi must've FORCED Arnav to agree to it.

Garima glanced at the helpless Arnav and sighed.

This must be Khushi's doing again.

''Haan Amma, I want to be with Arnav forever.'' She said without any hesitation. This is such great idea indeed, she can take care of Arnav without any restrictions from anyone.

Shashi's face is clearly showing that he really had enough of Khushi's crazy ideas to be with Arnav.

''Shut up! I had enough! Just stop taking over of Arnav's life! Will you?'' Shashi is totally pissed off of her.

''Haan bitiya, marriage is not child play, it's a sacred relationship between a man and woman. You can't easy decided to do it as you please.'' Garima tried make Khushi understand.

Shashi agreed with Garima, Khushi and Arnav to be husband and wife? Is not like he won't accept Arnav as his son in law but is Arnav really ok with marry his daughter?

Of course they have affection for each other as best friend but as lovers?

He have always considered Arnav as his own son, he also worried for Arnav's future.

Can his daughter keeps Arnav happy? Not as friend but as wife?

Shashi sighed.

''I'm sorry but I can't approve this.'' Shashi said bluntly.

Khushi gritted her teeth and asked.

''But why? Why can't you?''

Shashi keep stood in silence.

''Uncle, is it because  I am a handicap? (Sad smile) Of course all father wants the best for their daughter and (look at his walking stick) I am not the best.. It's ok uncle I understand.'' Said Arnav with smile.

Shashi feel bad for Arnav.

''Beta....'' Shashi tried explain the reason is he actually want the best life partner for Arnav.

Khushi cuts him off in middle.

''Babuji! Look what you have done, my Arnav is depress again. I don't care whether you accept our marriage or not, I will still marrying Arnav.'' She got angry by seeing Arnav sad.

Shashi look at Khushi with narrowed eyes.

''Is that so? When you guys going to marry?'' Shashi asked her, raising his eyebrow.

''Tomorrow?'' Khushi in unsure tone.

Garima gasped, is she crazy?

Shashi chuckled.

''Yourself aren't sure when you want to marry.'' Shashi said sarcastically.

Garima look at Arnav in pity, is he really want marry their daughter or he was forced to do so.

Shashi turn to Arnav and asked him.

''Arnav, do you really want to marry Khushi?''

''Of course he do babuji..'' Shashi cut off Khushi's words.

''You just shut up and let Arnav talk.'' Said Shashi to Khushi.

Arnav looked at Khushi's pitiful eyes and replied to Shashi, ''Yes uncle.''

ARSHI:IT'S ALL MY FAULT (COMPLETED) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz