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At XYZ Hotel.

''Hey Arnav! Why you look so worried? Aren't you supposed to be happy that you finally got go out with us?'' Nk asked Arnav.

Arnav smile bit at Nk and replied.

''It's nothing.. Actually I just thought of Khushi.. She must be looking for me..'' Arnav seem worried about Khushi anxiety issue.

Nk patted Arnav's shoulder and sighed.

''You guys really worried about each other but what is the gain in it? You guys are just FRIENDS, she may be super clingy with you but she had friend zone you dude.'' Nk said sadly patting Arnav's shoulder.

Arnav stood there silently because he can't deny the fact that they just been best friends since before and still friends till now.

''Look Arnav, you guys can't be together forever like you guys are now. At some point of your lives will definitely get marry someone as you likes and have to consider that person's feelings. You might already know what will happen later.. Khushi is totally obsessed over you. You can't spoil your youth for her quilty feeling, can you?'' Nk asked, spitting out facts.

''I guess you're right Nk.'' Arnav understand the reality of their life.

''Good. You're smart and you looks good, only problem is your leg but it's ok, I guess. You can definitely get a girlfriend for yourself. I will introduce you some girls that I know.'' Nk said cheerfully without knowing the storm is coming.

Arnav just nod at NK helplessly.

Then they had lunch with Lavanya, Sheetal and some other girl.

Arnav look how happy Nk and Lavanya together as lovers.

Then he notice that Sheetal is staring as if she going to eat him.

Sheetal smile at with bit blush.

He feel bit uncomfortable but he try to gave her at least a fake smile.

After having lunch Sheetal come up to him asked take selfie with her.

Nk wink at him, support him to go on.

Arnav sighed seeing Nk and pose beside her.

Sheetal slowly hold his arm and smile at her smartphone to take selfie.


Here Khushi just reach at hotel and rush in.

Then her eyes caught the sight of Arnav with Nk and some girls.

Especially one girl is holding her Arnav's arm and taking selfie with him.

She walked toward them, separate Arnav from that witch and snatch that smartphone from Sheetal.

''Hey! What are you doing?'' Sheetal asked in shock.

Khushi delete that photo and throw  Sheetal's phone back to her.

''Stay away from my Arnav! Or you will see the worse side of mine!'' Khushi threatened Sheetal.

Arnav stopped her by grabbing her hand.

''Khushi please stop create scene, everybody is look at us.'' Arnav told her in low tone.

''But Arnav they bring you here by forcing na?? How can I leave them just like that?'' She asked.

''Please be silent for a moment, Khushi.'' Said Arnav, warning her.

He turn to Nk and apologised for Khushi's rudeness.

Nk just nod, feeling embarrassed.

''Now you guys please excuse us.. And you (Khushi) come with me now.'' He drag her out with him.

ARSHI:IT'S ALL MY FAULT (COMPLETED) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang