Chapter 14

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They left for the market, unaware of how busy this place would be. With all the significant events, Y/n nearly forgot it was the Festival of Time! And they didn't even bring offerings! Now what will they do, just pray?

"Dear me, dear me- I should probably make some food for the Goddess, now shouldn't I?" She asked herself, picking Navi up and hustling to the bakery. She completely forgot about her 'husband' and what they came to do. Her mind was wrapped around the festival, as she participated every year. "I can't believe I forgot! I always offer something!"

Dark Link hurried after her, disguised as the blond hero that had defeated him so long ago. This day was essential to his sweet little muffin, wasn't it? If that's the case, he ought to do whatever she wants for the carnival. Perhaps even helping make or decide on the offering- though that might be a special something only his wife would do.

As Y/n hurried into the store filled with sweet aromas, he stepped inside and waited silently. Dark Link enjoyed watching her eyes light up at every single treat that was set out for both samples and to buy. How could the girlie forget something that had meant so much to her? Perhaps she loved him more? Yes yes, that could be the reason. After all, they did bear and raise a child together. She's bound by blood to love him now!

"So, Navi, what do you want to give to the Goddess of Time, hm?" Y/n asked their child, who tilted her head before pointing at a chocolate-filled croissant. "You wanna get her that? Or are you just hungry, Lil miss?"

"Both!" Navi laughed and picked up two. Y/n paid the baker the full 10 rupees plus tip. The toddler immediately began to much on one of them whilst her mother grabbed a bag to stuff the other bread in.

Dark wrapped an arm around his lovely wife. "Say dove, how about we get the Goddess something else, too? Like perhaps a pearl? Maybe even some rupees..?" He suggested, earning a scoff from the h/c haired girl.

"Why would we have to waste money on something like that? The Goddess Navina is as humble as all get out, I'm sure she'd appreciate a simple croissant picked by a child." Y/n began to ramble about the many different traits of the Goddess of Time, hardly realizing she had mentioned her name. Hopefully, Dark Link doesn't recognise the mistake. "She's much too sweet, motherly, gentle, and whatever else you can use to describe a sweet lady. We don't need to get her a pearl! Though, pearl earrings may be nice- but I'm positive the treat will do just fine!"

The prince rose a brow at the knowledge of the Goddess's name. Nobody outside seems to know it- and if they did, speaking it was clearly taboo. Though, his princess was the smart kind- always reading those thick books and becoming a regular at the library. She was even good friends with Zelda, meaning Y/n had access to the castle as well. It was no doubt that she would've read things that were probably forbidden in the public.

Y/n set their girl down so she could run and play with the Castle Town strays. Navi did so happily and picked up one of the brown babes. "Look at her, going and playing with the hounds! Navi seems to have a gift with animals, wouldn't you agree?" She... Leaned on Dark and watched with a proud mama look.

Dark Link flushed and slowly wrapped his arm around her. This was the first time she.. genuinely did something around him, that wasn't out of fear, or when she thought he was the hero... He cracked a smiled and rested his head on Y/n's, the size difference making it easier. "Yeah... Just like her mama..." Finally, what he wanted. His precious rose to love him!

Y/n closed her eyes and listened to the heartbeat of her lover. Soon the sun began to set and more people came out their homes to watch the fireworks and listen to the Queen give her yearly speech. Navi came back to her parents and got picked up by her dad so she could see above the crowd.

Zelda came out and stood upon a pillar, holding the Ocarina of Time in her hands. She put a single finger to her mouth to shush the crowd. As it got darker, everyone pulled out their candles. Y/n herself pulled one from her pocket and handed it to Navi. Dark Link lit it with the tip of his finger. Once all candles were lit, Zelda began her speech.

"Ladies, gentlemen, and other people of Hyrule..." She began, putting a soft smile on her face. "We come together tonight to celebrate the Goddess of Time, and all that she has done for us. Not only is she the reason the world has day and nights, but she is responsible for us being able to live in peace..." Zelda said, referring to her aid in the Hero of Time. "The Goddess who we know and love shows us unconditional kindness, and asks for nothing in return. So us, the citizens of Hyrule, will give to her with a humble approach, just like she does for us every day..."

Zelda closed off with playing the Song of Time, becoming shrowded in a holy blue light. Once the song was finished, people began to leave their offerings in a wagon, to be taken to her alter at midnight. Y/n set the chocolate-filled croissant in with the rest of the things people have given, both rich and poor.

Dark helped Navi set the candle in a holder while Y/n went to speak with the queen in private. He looked over at the two, wondering what on earth Y/n would need with someone as important as the head of state. Unfortunately, he had a child to watch, so he can ask her about it later. Based off how shushed they're being, though... It may have to be pried out. But would he really want to do that? Especially considering that Y/n is finally starting to love him?

He shook his head. He'll try and speak to her, maybe extract memories. Or, since he's disguised as Link, he could speak to Zelda... Although Zelda having light in her veins could probably sense darkness a mile away. Well... It's better than nothing. He can always follow that little carriage and see where it heads. Perhaps that's what they were speaking about.

Y/n headed back his way. "Sorry about that, me and her highness had to speak with each other regarding the ceremony. Especially considering I'm married to the Hero of Time." She poked his shoulder and rose a brow. "You're lucky I didn't give you away out of fear from what you'd do to me. Don't expect anymore favours, nor an explanation as to why I needed to talk to her."

He gave a slow nod and scooped her and Navi up. "Lets go home then, my love, and have all the cuddles together?" Dark smiled and pecked Y/n's forehead. Together, they headed home in peace.


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I'M SORRY THIS TOOK LIKE SEVEN WEEKS TO UPDATE Y'ALL! I came down with pneumonia, got diagnosed with arthritis, and have been dealing with a fuck ton of school while also being unmedicated. I managed to write the rest of this via rootbeer and thanksgiving pecan pie. Hopefully, I can update a lot more often now that I'm working on getting pain meds and dropping out of honours, bc I really wanna finish this shit and it only has a few more chapters to go WEEEEEEE! Things are probably gonna start going a bit faster and it may be confusing, so feel free to comment if you need a better explanation for something! Anyways enjoy some fluff and that is an order/j imma go ahead and be high and work on some other fanfics now that I have the energy

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