Chapter 6

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        Once I was granted permission, I hurried to the bathroom and locked the door, locking away him. I'm safe now. For a little bit. At least I won't have to worry about being touched without my consent, and be able to relax without worry.

It was only a few days and yet I was drowning in unprecedented pain. The flaring nerves of my stomach ached against me whenever I tried to move. Yet I still had to do it, so that there won't be more. And if there's no more, that'll mean pain's gone. With pain gone, I won't have to worry about not being fast enough to his liking...

I stepped into the tub before starting it, that way the warmth will hit nicer. Oh... there's a bath pillow. Something I might be able to rest on and calm down... That will be nice to have. But he said not to take too long... I wonder what'll happen if I do. He won't be too mad, right?

Wrong. He'll be furious! He's homicidal enough as it is, I'd be dead for directly disobeying him! He already got mad when I talked down on him, he would be pissed if I didn't finish up on time.

With those thoughts flooding my head, I started up the bath. I sat down, finding that it was immediately warm... Like Links arms... Good, I won't have to worry much about freezing for the next few minutes. It'll only remind me of those cold hands that roamed my body without consent.

I took a deep breath, wanting to soak in this bath. No worries, just me, the warmth, and the water that reminded me of Lake Hylia. If only I could be there with the fairies, they'd be sure to help... I hugged my legs to my chest. But as I did so, I felt my insides burning ever so horribly. This was torture, I was now bleeding despite it not being that time of month.

I let out a small sob as I shifted a little. It hurt... So much...

I was cut up on the inside. Pounded. Filled with sperm. But despite how much it hurt, I had to try to clean it out before it got too bad.


I slowly reached in there. I could feel the thiccness of the seed that was left in me. It was sticky. It'd be a miracle if I could get it out on time.

But as my fingers touched the walls, I couldn't help but feel slightly better. Especially with the soothing gentleness of it. My cold hands felt good against the cuts.

I gently dug my fingers into where his sperm was and pulled them out. Just feeling it slide against my walls was nice... Definitely felt a lot better than when Dark Link did it.

I wiped the cum on the bottom of the tub and continued to pull it out in practical strings and clots. Yeah... Even despite my cleaning, I'll still have a child. But that doesn't mean I can't try to prevent an infection.

I kept pulling out the seed. Doing that felt nice... I bucked my hips a little and let my hand rest. Then went back to sliding it-

-then felt a needle prick in my side.

The next thing I knew, my hair was being scrubbed by someone. And my cheeks were hot as well. I don't know what was happening, except the fact I desperately needed... Someone.

As Dark carressed my hair, I couldn't help but feel oddly at ease. His touch was gentle... And nice... I couldn't help but lean into it.

What? Why is my body disobeying me like this?! What the hell??

I tried to pull away, but that didn't work. I didn't have control over myself. I was even bringing myself up to sit on his lap. But I couldn't stop myself...

"Darky~ Can you wash my body?"

Y/n, NO! Why did I say that- he... What did he do?!

"Why of course... Anything for the love of my life..."

He grinned his malicious grin and laid be down, hands on my waist. He licked his lips, looking me over.

My mind was screaming to kick him, I wanted to cry. Again..? I can't handle more! I'd die if that happened!

Why am I disobeying myself? Why am I wrapping my legs around him..? Why am I letting him do that and just doing it right back..?



I finally got control back... I unwrapped my arms from him, let my legs drop. I could hardly feel that. If it was gentle why couldn't I feel it..? I like gentle...

I let out a sob and pushed him away. It hurt. I was cut up inside, couldn't he remember that?!

He only chuckled and climbed out the tub. I just wanted a peaceful bath. I wanted to be safe, alone, with only my mind... Why... I just want saftey.

I curled up, trying to cover any important areas, but still soak in the warm waters. Then he decided to drain it, leaving me shivering. So I clutched myself tighter.

I'll get in trouble for this act of defiance, won't I..? But Its nice to feel safe for even a few seconds... Oh... Minutes..?

Dark refilled the tub with fresh, warm water. I whimpered slightly, afraid he wanted more. I can't handle more...

What he did next left my eyes wide. He put in some red potion. "For your insides, my love..."

Dark pressed his hand to my face. I flinched, expecting a hit. But he began rubbing his thumb in circles. Link used to do that...

It only made my longing for him more. To see his crooked smile, the way his blue eyes reflected the sky, his harmonious ocarina playing... Why did I ever hate him, I didn't deal with this cruel love...

My eyes started to burn, the water below me swished violently. It was filling up faster than intended.


My head hit the side of the tub, but I was too weak to sit myself back up. In this vulnerable state he could do anything... At least he's being gentle now, right..? Right.

Dark lifted my head up and looked at where it was hit. He got a rag and wet it, the way my mother always did when I was young...

It made me giggle like a little girl. That fond memory was coming in, as were many others. It left the world in bright colours, everything sharp and and clear. Little fairies danced in and out of my vision as I pressed my head to the rag, wanting to remember my mom.

She was long gone, but that would be expected of elderly folk. But she celebrated her age rather than saw it as a curse... I want to be like that one day, able to give applause to my wrinkles.

I snorted and fell back into the bath.

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