Chapter 6: "I'm... So... Sorry

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A/N: Well this is the final part of this book... And I hate ending series and maybe I'll make a series of this In Gacha Club and I'll put a link to where the description is with this story. Okay on with the story.

Gift and thanks for the help from: Allison993961 🥂🥳

Webs ran over to Black Widow to hug him. "Black Widow! Oh thank goodness" Webs said happily as she wrapped her arms around him. "You need to help us get out of here Piranha's bleeding and..." Webs was speaking but she heard Black Widow was darkly chuckling. Webs slowly backed away while looking at him with a worried look on her face.

"B-Black widow? You okay there?" Webs asked him as she looks at him with a worried look on her face. Black widow kept laughing as he wipes his eyes while looking at her. "Man, this is hilarious. You thought I was good? Oh my dear, you couldn't have been more wrong."

Black widow said as he gave her the most psychotic look on his face. Webs eyes widened with surprise as she looked at the madman.

"It's just... Being evil is so much fun, chaotic and comprehensible. Where as good is predictable and..." Black widow continued as he stops at his sentence with a gag. "Righteous..." He grin as he looked at them with a crazed look. "But why did you kidnap Piranha? Why did you hurt him at this point? Are you insane?!" Webs said turning her shock into fury as she yelled at him.

Black widow gave them a sly smirk with a little bit of hatred and started to darkly chuckle. "I am..." He said with a sinister tone in his voice and takes her hand at kisses it, Webs swipe her hand away from him with disgust. "Crazy about you. Your everything I've ever wanted and more Web." He said with a calm yet psychotic tone in his voice. "It was the one look but it was enough for me to fall for you Web so that's why..." Black widow continued as he had something behind his back, he gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring that looked like a female black widow symbol.

Webs eyes turned into shock as she watched him do that. "I want you to be mine forever. So please... Will you except my proposal my dear?" Black widow said as he held out the ring to her with heart-shaped eyes and with a maniacally smile while looking at her. Webs scoffed as she looked at him in complete disgust. "Are you kidding me?! First of all you just admitted you were a criminal," Webs pointed out a she held one finger to make sure she got it right. "Second of all you don't even know me, you just love the outside version of me and you just want someone to control." Webs continued as she held up two fingers now. "And third of all... You hurt Piranha, to the point of exhaustion..." Webs said sounding real irritated to this villain who just proposed to her as she rubs her temples.

Black Widow just scoffed as rolled his eyes. "Oh come on now babe... He's still alive and kicking. And besides, we'll have plenty of time to know each other down the road so..."

Black Widow said with a smirk on his face while looking at her with a twisted look on his face.

Webs started to panic as she saw him grabbed her hand to put the ring on her. "STOP IT!!!" Webs freaked out as she slapped the ring out of his hand. "I don't love you. Because I love Piranha deeply!!!!" Webs screamed as she stopped with a shock look on her face as a small blush crept on her face, she quickly covered her mouth her hands. 'I wish I hadn't said that...' Webs thought to herself with a blush covering her face. Piranha looked at her in astonishment of what she she had just said as he stood up. "Webs..." Piranha said feeling tingles in his body, and as he heard his heart pounding.

Black widow looked at the ring in surprise then slowly turned his head. He let's out a low growl. "I see... So it's him that's in the way..." Black widow said as pulled out a switch blade from his pocket. "But don't worry... I'll get get rid of him..." He said as he charged at Piranha at full speed with a battle cry.

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