Chapter 1: "A new person in the picture"

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A/N: This is just Theory that I had for like weeks or so. Imagine if we have more characters and more villains! And Manipulation! So Enjoy!

They live in a city called: "Los Angeles" and they're the bad guys that have gone good for once and they are certainly not playing any tricks. But with my crew well, they're just getting ready for the Holidays and-- "PIRANHA!!! YOU BROKE MY PHONE AGAIN?!" The girl with the ginger color hair yelled angrily across the hallway. "SORRY!!!" The piranha screamed nervously. "You're soooo DEAD when I get my hands on you!!"

Wolf sighed to hear the bickering from the far end of the hallway in their base. "Not easy eh?" Snake came over and handed wolf a cup of coffee, Wolf grabbed the cup and sipped some of the coffee in the cup then, looked back at the hallway with a glare from all the bickering and attitude from piranha and webs. "When are they ever gonna get along?" Wolf questioned.

Snake shrugged and walked to the kitchen to read a newspaper that was on the table. "Who knows, they're just gonna be like that for the rest of their lives wolf," Snake protested as he flipped over the page to read other things. "I mean as long if piranha doesn't take it seriously." Snake suggested looking back at wolf.

~Meanwhile with piranha & webs~

"PIRANHA!" Web yelled even louder with her blood boiling in rage trying to catch up to that man that she was chasing after. "WEBS PLEASE I'M SORRY!!" Piranha ran even faster avoiding the young girl. Until he gets cornered to where the hallway was at. He swiftly turns his head around to meet as angry webs standing at the far end in the hallway.

Piranha walks backwards as he closes up to a wall scared of what she was gonna do. She grabs his father's pocket knife out of his pocket that passed the generation to generation. "HA! GOT YA KNIFE!!" She exclaims with a smirk on her face, Piranha seemed surprised as she did that he checked his back pockets to find it, but it was gone she had it in her hands.

He looks back at webs that she has it and he saw that huge smirk on her face. He glares as he bares his teeth. Webs makes a mocking laugh as she looks at him He looks very angry, His fists were clinched, his eyes were looking at her with pure hatred, and his blood boiling with rage. "Webs," Piranha said in a soft and creepy tone in his voice. "Y-Yes?" Webs gulped to hear his voice. "You have diez minutes to start running..." He said as he lifted his head to her with a glare. "Run." He said with a psychotic look on his face.

'Oh, God!' Webs thought as she sprinted away from piranha with piranha's pocket knife which was closed. "AHHHHhhhhh!" Webs screamed as she ran past shark as he jumped out of the way, Then piranha came as he was chasing her with an angry expression on his face. "Hey guys," shark said as he came to the table with wolf, and snake who were sitting next to each other.

"Hm?" Snake responded with a nod without looking away from the newspaper that he was holding. "Do you think this is kinda old for them to act like this?" Shark asked with a raised brow as he was looking down at the hallway. "Eh... I wouldn't bother..." Snake suggested still reading the newspaper. "Alright then." Shark said as he sloughed back in his seat.

With webs she was running away from piranha as she reached her room she tried to close the door quickly but piranha beat her to it. He placed his foot to prevent the door from closing. Webs was so surprised that he did that, Webs looked up to meet a very angry piranha, His teeth were bare, and his eyes glaring at her. "L-Look man I'm sorry- AH!!!" She began but she was pushed onto the bed by piranha.

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