House of Hog

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Charlie" Eddie, are you okay"

Eddie" I'm fine, it's okay"

I can now see a red mark developing on his cheek. I lean into him now incredibly frightened, I feel his hand interlock with mine.

Dad" Aww, look my stupid twins are holding hands"

I push myself on Eddie. Frobisher kneels down beside us.

Frobisher" Shall I answer some questions for you?"

Eddie" Nothing we didn't already know"

Charlie" Our friends will come for us!"

Frobisher" Your friends won't have time, before long you'll both be one of us"

I look into the evil eyes of Frobisher, petrified, I feel Eddie squeeze my hand.

Frobisher" Oh, didn't think it would be so soon, as you can see, only one sarcophagus remains empty, soon after you have both been captured, with the final piece in place, the great Ammit will walk amongst the living"

He approaches us suddenly shouting making both Eddie and I jump in fright. He continues to shout only making my stomach bubble more. He then catches Eddie looking at the sarcophagus.

Frobisher" Oh don't be scared it won't hurt and if you are wondering how we will fit twins in one sarcophagus that's easy we won't, you see twins have a rare unique bond. You are bonded by blood and you both share the same mind so only one needs to go in there"

Frobisher" Perhaps it could be the girl"

He stares at me, he gets closer and touches my face making me whimper slightly.

Eddie" Don't touch my sister"

Frobisher slaps Eddie again in the face now bruising his other cheek. He slams his head against the wall and it knocks him out. Frobisher smirks and his evil laugh sends goosebumps all over me. He takes my chin and makes me look at him.

Frobisher" Imagine if I had your brother as a sinner then you would be all alone, no dad or brother to protect you but since you are twins you are connected so there is no escaping that"

I look at Eddie who is awake again but is very dazed.

Frobisher" Your brother is very stupid isn't he don't worry it will feel like the end of the world and your friends will be unable to stop The suffering that will reign!"

Patricia" Give it up, both of you have lost"

I lean against Eddie who is nursing his head he hit on the wall. Our hands are still connected and I squeeze it, he puts his around mine.

Frobisher" Aww, look at them don't they look so cute, makes you sick doesn't it"

All them laugh including our dad, the fact that our dad is a sinner just hurts so much, the fact that he is no longer our dad, he is one of Frobisher's evil minions. Denby then enters.

Miss Denby" The hour is almost upon us"

Frobisher" Indeed"

We both stand up and Eddie pleads with Patricia while I plead with our dad.

Eddie" Patricia, are you in there?"

Charlie" Dad, it's me, it's us, your twins, I'm your little girl remember"

Denby then snorts and I risk a look at her, she has that look she always has, smirking that she always knew something we didn't.

Miss Denby" Told you didn't I you wouldn't always have your father to protect you didn't I"

The Osirian Twins (2) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant