House of Greed

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Charlie's POV

All of us rush from my boyfriend and brother's room and race across the grass where KT is walking back to the house.

Charlie" Hey, KT!"

Eddie" KT, what were you doing?"

Fabian" Why were you at the Gate House?"

Alfie" Why were you chilling with the zombies?"

Patricia" We saw you on the video camera. Frobisher nearly had you"

KT" What?"

Fabian" You can't just go walking into the Gatehouse"

Charlie" Why did you go off without telling us?"

KT" I'm sorry, I'm sorry.I thought that maybe if I saw him, I would be able to tell whether he was"

Twins" Evil?"

KT nods and I can tell she really wants to believe that her great grandfather isn't evil.

KT" And then Miss Denby came, and I got really scared, and I had to get out of there. I'm sorry, you guys. I know it was a stupid thing to do"

Fabian" KT, promise to us, you will not go back there alone again"


Eddie" Come on let's get inside it's freezing"

Charlie's POV
I was just about to head upstairs when I could hear Jerome singing. I peered into the living room and he was in there practising for something. I head to the kitchen and Mara, Willow and Joy hiding.

Charlie" Hey, is this your three's doing?"

Mara" Yeah, it was Joy's idea really"

Joy" We told him your dad entered him into a competition for singers"

Willow" He is going to play it in science class in front of everyone"

Charlie" Oooo, that's good, I can't wait to see it"

Joy"Trust this is going to be good"

Jerome" Kitten"

Mara" Oh! He's writing his song"

Jerome"Oh, I can't help to be smitten, you're my love kitten"


Joy"He sounds like a hyena"


Mara" I can't believe he really thinks that your dad picked him to represent the school"

Joy" You know, Operation Revenge is easier than I thought"

Jerome"Oh, kitten"

Charlie" I can't wait to see his dress rehearsal tomorrow, this is going to be hilarious"

Jerome" Ah"

Charlie"I can't listen to anymore of this"


Mara" This is going to be the best science class we've ever had"

I was currently walking into school with Mara,Willow and Joy, I have never been that close with all of them but the whole thing with Jerome had brought us together.

Joy"Wait, what did you tell your dad?"

Charlie" Just that Jerome had an exciting scientific demonstration he was desperate to show the class"

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