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Yoongi is the most popular guy in school, everybody thinks that they know everything about him but they really don't.

Yoongi always had girls running after him, like if they know him. They always call him oppa and always give him chocolate/cookies. When they confess their feelings for him he always replies with an "Okay thanks, but I'm dating someone else right now". The girls get very angry and sometimes even start spreading fake rumors about him.
The students really want to know who he's dating. They think that it's a young girl that doesn't go to the same school as them, but they really are wrong.

Yoongi is considered as a fuck/play boy that goes around fucking girls all the time, basically a "virgin killer" 

But he really isn't like that, he is not that  type of a guy, he only likes his precious little boyfriend, Namjoon

Namjoon is the prettiest and nicest guy you can find out there, him and Yoongi love each other so dearly.

There have been a lot of rumors about Yoongi these days, but there is this one rumor that he completely agrees with. It was a rumor that he was gay, it was made by the guys he hangs out with after he called someone bae and apparently it was a guy.

Yoongi wanted to tell everyone that he is gay and that Namjoon belongs to him, only him. And he is going to do it, he is going to tell everybody.


Today Yoongi received another confess from a girl, he couldn't hold it in anymore so he just did it.

"Look, I'm sick of this. Thank you for liking me but I'm already dating someone, his name is Namjoon. Yes, it's a guy and yes, I'm gay!" He said and walked away

The girl got really jealous so she went around the whole school and told everybody about Yoongi being gay, and of course everybody would've believed her, she's the most popular girl in school. But sure did she not know that Yoongi wanted all of this to happen.

Namjoon got really confused when he got a lot of questions from people about his and Yoongi's relationship, so he just walked away from them.

Namjoon and Yoongi finally met in lunchbreak, the first thing Yoongi did is to hug Namjoon and kiss his cheek. Namjoon got even more confused, he's wondering why this is suddenly happening. Namjoon wanted to ask why he did all this but decided not to, instead he decided to ask about why everybody have been following him and asking him questions about their relationship.

"Joon it's okay, now they know about us" Yoongi said and kissed Namjoon once more just to get everybody's attention, and to let them know that they belong to each other.



I wrote this in the library btw...



hope you have a good day/night


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