Chapter Nine

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AkaKuro is the pairing! Thanks for voting guys but to the others who vote for another pairing for Kuroko...I am planning on making a book all for the other pairings!


Narrator's POV

Something happened when they were away. And they can say what is it. Aomine looks very heartbroken. He started to go wild whenever someone got near him. But, that's normal for heartbroken people.

"Aomine, what happened? Why are you like this?" Midorima asked while walking towards Aomine. He waited for an answer but the only thing he got are whimpers and cries of a broken heart. Then, Midorima's eyes widen. He doesn't mean that-!

"Gomenasai, Midorima-kun. It looks like my grandson chose Akashi Seijuro." Someone said from behind. He turned around and saw a women who looks like just Kuroko. The woman sighed and smiled at him reassuringly that everything will be alright. He froze in his spot. Akashi won...again?

"Don't tell me it's true!!!" A distraught Kise shouted while sitting on a sofa. His mother suddenly appeared and started to comfort him. He cried on his mother's shoulder, very heartbroken and sad. Hachi started to hush his crying son. This broke her heart of course... seeing his son like this.

"Midorima, don't keep it inside. It will only make it harder." His mother said while patting his son's back. Midorima sighed and sat on a chair. His mother is right, he should let it out.

Murasakibara went towards his father and sat beside him. Kanji shook his head and gave his son foods which, surprisingly, Murasakibara didn't accept. Kagami is the worst. He punched the wall.

Now, almost everyone is tearing up. Until, a certain bluenette came by. Kuroko Tetsuya is still sleepy, but he needs to go to the bathroom. Yawning, he stood up from the bed, looked at Akashi and kissed his forehead. He walk outside the hall. He was about to pass by the kitchen when he heard crying. What is happening?

He quickly ran towards the kitchen if ever to see if there's a problem or an accident happen or...someone just died? He shook his head about this thoughts and went towards the kitchen. He became shocked when he saw the crying figures of his teammates. He step inside, wondering on why is there a drama shooting on the Akashi Mansion.

"Hello...did I missed something?" Kuroko asked, slightly yawning as he just woke up and is still sleepy. His voice seems to be like magic because, as soon as he spoke, everyone froze and stared at him.

"Uh...hi?" Awkward silence soon followed as he walked towards his grandmother. He couldn't understand what is happening right now.

*growl growl*

And it seems that all these secrecy made him hungry. But he is tired because of unknown reasons and just wants to stay beside his grandmother. Said woman smiled and patted her lap, motioning Kuroko to sleep.

"Thanks grandma..." With those words, he fell back asleep, completely ignoring his growling stomach. What's a hungry stomach to him? He's had worse.

"That's it...Kuroko just couldn't choose Akashi like that!" Midorima stated, fixing his glasses. There was a determined look on his eyes as he adjust his clothes. 

"It seems that Kurokocchi doesn't know anything about the competition goin on. There must be a way." The blonde haired model shouted, light slowly going back to his face. He stared lovingly at the blue-haired male that is currently sleeping. 

"If it's war Akashi wants, then we'll give him one. I ain't giving up on someone who didn't give up on me." Aomine said, shocking his parents. They have never seen their son like this before. Usually, if he loses, he would just cry around all day and stay in his room, giving up.

"Me too!" Kagami stood up.

"Don't forget about me! I'm not giving up even if he's Akashi." Murasakibara determinedly shouted, ignoring his father's shocked looks.

"It seems something good was done. My grandson have done miracles to your sons." A resounding agreement was heard throughout the room as the Akashi couple shook their heads in amusement. They're not so sure about their son...whom has fallen first for the boy in question. A purr was heard on said boy as he moved nearer to his grandmother's stomach.

"Awwww~he looks so kawaii! No wonder our sons fell in love with him." All of the woman in the room started to pet the head with cat ears as the boy purred to their touches. 

"*sigh* And I thought this drama ended, I was wrong." Midorima senior adjusted his glasses as he looked at the window where it has a full view of the teens who are discussing, a treaty, as they say it.

"But, is this a good thing?"

" is. It's time my son tasted another defeat for his well being." Akashi senior stated as he leaned towards his wife. His wife giggled in response and started to massage his head.

"Oh don't worry, Polygamy is accepted in here, no?"


Hey guys...well, serious plot twist here (actually I think it's not even a plot twist) but, I really want you to see how will they court Kuroko. And yes, let's make Polygamy in my story legal meh?

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