Chapter Seven

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Hey guys, I'm sorry for not updating earlier. I gotta problem on my internet and I may have a writer's block. But, here it goes.

Time in the morning 2 o' clock and I am still awake. I can't fell asleep since I saw Akashi-kun naked. Hey! It's not my fault that I went inside with Akashi-kun naked! So, I moved around and flipped to fell asleep when...

*knock knock*
I hate it! Somebody's still wanting to see me even at night! I stood up, opened the door and behold! Aomine-kun came and smiled at me with two hot cocoas on both of his hands. I smiled back and took the other hot cocoa on his right hand. I went outside and walked beside Aomine-kun.

"Something bothering you, Aomine-kun?" I asked as we walked down the garden dirt road. Hey! It's the Akashi Mansion, it\s supposed to be big! I looked at Aomine-kun who has a blissful look on his face as we rode down the road. I looked around and I saw flowers everywhere. It looks so beautiful! I want to pick flowers!

"Yep...something kept bothering me. I can't sleep." Aomine-kun said while continously drinking his hot cocoa with marshmallow. I sighed and shook my head. Maybe, Aomine-kun has a problem that I can solve? As we walk beyond and across a little river; we saw a forest near the mansion.

"What is it? I mean, I thought Akashi-kun owns all the forest in here?" I asked Aomine-kun as he looked at me and back at the forest suspiciously. I nudge him to come with me to the forest making him slightly shiver. I walked while holding Aomine-kun's hand to stop him from running away. Even though he's as big as an acacia tree, I know he's still a coward...

"Kuroko, I think it's not good for us to come here at this time of's only 2:30 am and nobody's awake at this time. Only me and you and maybe, Akashi-san." Hmmm...Aomine-kun's right. But, I want to explore this forest! It has been about 4 years since I came inside a forest! I looked at Aomine-kun as I shook my head clearly saying, "I wanted to go forward!" And so...we went further.

"Kuroko, that a mansion?" I look at where Aomine-kun is pointing and saw a big house. It was colored black and has many...I mean literally many graves! Some of them looks like hundred of years old but some of them looks like thousands!

"Come on Aomine-kun, I want to see what's inside." I said while pulling Aomine-kun inside the mansion. Now? He's shivering went worse from 5% to 95%. I didn't know he's scared of graves. I can blackmail him...I shuffled on my cloak only to find my cellphone...dead battery. I gasp in frustration as I really wanted to blackmail him. I ran inside as fast as I could.



Hey guys, I'll update later or tonight.

Bye guys!

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