Chapter Eight

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Sunlight blinded me...I don't really like the sun but it means a new day for me. A new life for everybody else. I groaned and turned around hugging my pillow. Wait...pillow? I stood up and look around. I'm back on the mansion! It was all a dream! A dream...

Realization hit me. There's no Zombies! Me and Aomine-kun are not stuck on that old house! I smiled (only for today...) and jumped out of my bed. I went outside to greet everyone when I heard noises of breaking vases, plates and glasses on the dining room. I wonder what's happening... I went down the stairs and ran towards the dining room. I almost laughed at the sight before me.

"Akashi-kun? Aomine-kun? Why are you two covered in food?" I asked while looking at them, disbelieving at what I am seeing. Both of them tried to stand up but, they just fell again. They are covered with flour and it looks very moist. I went towards them while trying not to laugh. They look like those one-eyed creatures called "Minions". Actually...remembering that creatures, am I suppose to watch it today?

"I really love Despicable Me." I thought while daydreaming of all the Minions that I can have and playing with them. Or, making them my personal slaves?! And-wait, I sound a lot like Akashi-kun at that last part? I shook my head and went outside to get the broom and my apron that I forgot last night. that really a dream?

"Ok guys, huddle up you two. I will not clean everything alone. You hear me? I am not a housewife." I said while removing the flour around them. They stared at me thankfully but when they saw my glare they actually shivered. Aomine-kun? I can understand him being scared of me cause' he got hit by my ignite pass one time but Akashi-kun shivering? Yeah...I could manage to live with that. I gave them the cleaning utensils and ordered them around to clean the kitchen. Just because they are boys (I'm a boy too you know...) that doesn't mean they need to give it to those who knows! This is unacceptable...

"You're the only one that can order me around...Tetsuya." Akashi-kun mumbled and I just looked at his way. That was shocking. He actually admits he is following me. I smiled a little at that thought. Maybe...I'm not a bad housewife either. What am I thinking? I'm a boy! I shook my head for the umpteen time. Maybe, I am gay. I am attracted to Akashi-kun! Well, mostly cause I like Aomine-kun and Kagami-kun too...

"Hoy! Tetsu! Come on! Let's finish this! We accepted the fact that we can't cook!" Aomine-kun said raising his hands in defeat. I moved towards the kitchen table and scrubbed it with soap. The oven is the most dirty of all. It has eggs, tomatos that a spoon?

"Tetsu, can I leave for a moment? I'll be right back!" Aomine-kun shouted and he ran towards the bathroom. He quickly closed it. I smelled a voracious smell...Did Aomine-kun farted? How childish! I turned around only to be met by Akashi-kun's face. We are so close. I blushed and looked away from him. This is so embarassing...

"Don't you look away, Tet-su-ya~ I like to see your face up close." Akashi-kun said while cupping my face with his hand. It feels so good to be touched warmly by others. We stayed like that for three minutes. By this time, we moved closer and closer until...

We actually kissed on the lips!

We kissed an innocent kiss. Staying like that until we need to move for space and to breathe. What just happened?! We looked at each other and blushed a red tomato. We were about to hug when we heard shuffling on the door. We looked at each other. Who may that be?

We walked towards the door and listened on the noises. The voices sounds familiar.

"Akashi! Don't move."

"I need to move ok. Hachi, stop smothering her!"

"But...Malifecentcchi is so cute! We didn't get to meet for how many years!"

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