Chapter 8

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I was nervous. Real nervous. Shaking in fact. Almost nail bitting. I was seated on one of the tables outside this small but modern looking cafe. It was like an island surrounded by a fish pond, only the bridge can get you here from the parking lot. It was the only path possible, considering the large mass of water surrounding it.

It was a mixture of a Japanese garden and the aura of Starbucks. And to top it all off, it was a private place. Perfect for fan mobbing celebrities like me and Ross. The ceiling was filled with what seems like decorative lights. I could imagine what might they look like at night.

Every wall was glass, so that people outside could see whats inside and vice versa. I watched as Ross ordered our food. Remind me again why I agreed to this? I can't even speak right whenever he's doing all these romantic gestures. I saw him picked up the tray and turned to face me. I immediately looked down to my phone, pretending that I wasn't just staring at him. He walked out and placed the tray on our table.

"I got you a plain iced hazelnut drink. Is that ok?" He sat down in front of me. His drink seemed to be almost the same colour. Only with a different way of blending of whip cream.

"Its fine" I grab my drink and punctured the straw in. I took a sip and Ross was watching me. My face was once again blushing. I let down my drink and wiped my mouth with a tissue.

"Do you like it? I could get you something else if you don't" he stood up and I just grabbed his wrist. I smiled at him "Its delicious" I assured.

He sat right back down with a smile as well, feeling achieved that he got me right. "I also got 2 plates of waffles. One for you and one for me" he passed it out and removed the tray from the table and set it aside. "I figured you wouldn't want to share anymore like in Starbucks" he was restraining himself.

He was respecting what I felt about all this. But a side of me was feeling that I was holding him back. He usually wouldn't care if we shared a plate of food, he would even tease me afterwards.

Now he's doing everything, he was trying to avoid letting out a tease or a smirk. He was calm and collected.

"You didn't really have to, we could've shared" I said, feeling guilty he spent more money on me. This wasn't like when he took me of for breakfast a few days ago. We admitted he liked me. And this time we actually had time. We could come back to set without Heath utterly yelling at us , and making us clean the writer's room. We were free as off now. But why do I feel so encaged?

"So, I'm glad you agreed" Ross said, not taking his eyes off me as he chews.

I don't even think it was me who agreed. It was the desire in me. The want to be with him. The thought of his hand interwinding with mine, which I was sure it was what made me to agree.

"This is not a date" I said and he just nodded. "I know." He stated."its just lunch" he added as he ate more from his plate.

Yeah, just lunch. But what difference will it make if this was a lunch date? Its still just the two of us. Will he be sweeter? Will he be more of a flirt?

"You ok?" He set me back. I didn't realise I was staring at thin air. "Is there something wrong with the food? I can buy you something else" he said, and I soon realise that I haven't even touched my plate yet.

"No its fine" I cut out a piece and started eating. He was smiling from above me as I just stare down my plate. I glanced up and he didn't look embarrassed at all that I caught him staring.

I started getting conscious. I rubbed my cheeks with my left hand. " is there something on my face?" I asked ,trying to remove it.

His smile turned into a chuckle. "No"

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