Chapter 7

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When I walked out his car I waved at him good bye and when I turned around I saw not only Vanessa but my whole family peeking through the window. I rolled my eyes as they opened the door for me.

"Had a nice show?" I snickered, referring to their eavesdropping. "We were just curious" Mom defended. I hung my jacket on the rack and removed my shoes.

"So how was your day?" They all gave me a creepy smile. I rolled my eyes playfully knowing they won't let me off till I give the details on Ross driving me home.

"Lets talk at dinner." I walked up in my room to freshen up for the night. After I settle in in my room a little I went down to the dining room. Vanessa and dad were already seated as mom placed the food in the table. I took my usual seat and so did mom. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared back at me with an amused face.

I sighed "he just gave me a ride home" I stated, knowing thats what the weird faces were about. They all glanced at each other and we started eating. Of course that topic came up from time to time in different ways. Like he never usually drives me home before. Vanessa would usually pick me up, but after she got a new filming schedule, she didn't have time anymore.

There are times where she would come home early, like today. But we forgot about the 'picking me up' schedule. I would just walk home, or if it was too late, Calum or Ross will drop me off.

"So did he answer my question earlier" dad focused on me as he chewed on his food. "What question?" I asked, pretending to be oblivious to this whole thing.

"Does he have a crush on you?" Dad blurted out once again and this time my mother was there.

"Ross has a crush on you?!" My mom practically shouted.

"What? No!" I defended. "I mean yes but no!" I added. My answer didn't seem to make sense. They all had their utensils down. Confused with my answer.

"So... He does ?" Vanessa said slowly. I took a quick glance at everyone and down to cut the piece of beef on my plate. "It's not serious" I said.

"A crush is never that serious, but it might turn out to be-" my dad started

"Can we just talk about something else?" I cut him off and they all took a second before they nod.

The rest of the dinner turned to be silent instead. I told my mom that i'll wash the dishes. Me being nice may just make them stop teasing me.

I started to wash the dishes, starting with the utensils then to the plates. So far they all went to other rooms. And thats when my mom peeked on the edge of the kitchen.

"Sweetie, Ross is on the phone" I quickly stopped and my eyes widened. I faced her fully and she was smiling. "YOU ANSWERED IT?!" I was in complete shock.

"It was the house phone, why wouldn't I answer it?" She defended herself and walked away but made sure to give me a flash of a smirk first. There goes the choice of being nice.

I wiped my hands and walked near the bottom of the stairs to where the house phone sat at the small round table. I stared at the phone for a minute, thinking if I should pick it up. But it would be rude of me if I just hung up.

My hand found its way to reach the phone and pressed it against my ear.

"I can't believe you called the house phone" I answered before realising how harsh my voice must've been.

"Oh sorry,... I didn't know I wasn't suppose too" he said softly. I sighed rubbing my forehead.

"All this will get me is a girl talk with Vanessa and a whole night of teasing" I let out. "Why'd you call anyway? And why my house phone?" I added, again feeling a bit harsh.

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