"You, Mr. Ekansh Sachdev, is a cold blooded, murderer. Actually even worse, you're a SICK, SADISTIC, PSYCHOPATH!" She feels the sting on her left cheek as he lands a tight slap on her face.

"I thought I will make you my wife, I'll give you everything. I was so wrong! You don't even value my emotions, my hard works. A psychopath?! You.. how could you say that?! I've been nothing but good to you!" With that he slaps her once again only to be shocked.

"They are informed boss. I've also sent Nihal sir and Maya ma'am along with fifty of our men at the rescue of Vasudha's friends." Ojas says and looks at his boss. The scar still reminds him of his painful past, but today it looks red, just like his frightening grey eyes. If eyes could give the certificate of insanity then his would have ranked first. He has seen him angry, furious even, but today he is livid, he is crazy. He clenches and unclenches his fists and keeps breathing heavily as he paces around the hospital corridor. He is doing it since he has woken up and got to know about the incident that took place in the Sachdev palace.

Simply looking at him Ojas knows that something has snapped inside of him and he won't stop until he kills someone and sees the blood in his hand.

"Did you do what I asked?" His cold voice echoes through the empty corridor.

"I did boss, four of his men are brought and kept inside the warehouse." Ojas says. Without uttering anything Danuj smoothly turns around, his jaw clenched, eyebrows furrowed, eyes bloodshot and fists tightened, as he runs towards his car, as usually followed by Ojas.

His car stops infront of the warehouse and he walks confidently towards where he knows the men will be. He has an important work to do. Within a few minutes both of them reach infront of the gloomy garage where four semi hurt men stand. They are tied up against the wooden poles. This garage has lots of those things, particularly because it was never a garage but a small torture house for Danuj. He likes it that way. But before Ojas could enter, Danuj turns around looking directly into his eyes authoritatively, as he pulls the shutter down in one go.

The rest is history.

Because the earth shattering cries from inside notifies Ojas of the resurrection of one nasty demon that Danuj D' has always been. Of course prior to the day he eventually met Vasudha Roy. The woman who has him wrapped around her tiniest finger. His personality has snapped. The shutter opens and out comes a blood bathed Danuj. The four men lies around the garage, bloody, wounded or perhaps even dead. They aren't tied to the poles anymore. Ojas looks at Danuj cautiously, confused.

"I gave them a chance to fight back. They couldn't. And also there is no fun in beating people who are tied up to the poles." He says without an ounce of emotion. Ojas looks at him with open mouth, stunned. Danuj's eyes fall on him as he clears the blood from his lower lip with the sleeve of his shirt.

"The Sachdev Gardens. That's where he took my Sudha." He says looking straight and shaking his head while releasing an evil smile.
"Such a fool. I would've never let a soul know about my whereabouts if I would've intended to keep something as precious as her with me forever. He never learns, does he? Such an amateur!" He says clenching his jaw as his nostrils flare out of sheer fury. His steps start moving hurriedly towards the car.

Ekansh limps as he walks out of the garden meausium that's still under construction. Yes he kept her inside it, where she'll be safe. But what he didn't expect is for her to be a trained kickboxer. He is lucky that she had no food inside that stomach of hers and also because of the drowsiness from the drugs. She actually beat the shit out of him. Wow, what else is she capable of?

It took his everything to stop her deadly blows. Her punches and kicks are so precise that she could easily become a professional kickboxer. He didn't want to hurt her, but he had to. She was furious. He hated punching her and busting her lips. He hated to kick her in the stomach to tie up her hands like that but what else could he have done? She wasn't eating and wasn't stopping at all. It took all his energy to make her eat something. She broke his nose, perhaps even damaged his man down there. And how would he cover the bruises that are forming around his eyes and jaws. His knee is still paining like hell. Hell, she's something else, so fiery, so brave, so his type. He smiles as he reaches his car. He doesn't fail to notice how his men are looking at his limping figure, but they better not if they want to stay alive. He turns around and looks at one of them.

"Make sure to guard the property with everything you have, because if you fail, I'll take everything from you. And also, if she shouts from inside, for anything, don't bother and don't dare to go near her. The maximum you can do is call me. Am I understood?" He asks tilting his head.

"Yes sir." The man along with a few others respond.

"How are you all feeling?" Nihal asks as he finds them waking up one by one. While Danuj's men fought with the palace guards he and Maya sneaked inside the basement and waited for them to wake up.

"I feel thirsty." Zoya says.

"Me too." Abhirup and Mihir add together.

"Here drink some water. You guys are lucky that you found this place on time." Maya responds handing a bottle to Abhirup, who says a small thanks while nodding his head in agreement.

"But where is Sudha? Where is she? Is she okay?" Ganika asks. To which Nihal hesitates.

"Tell us please." Zoya requests.

"To be honest, we don't know how she's doing. But yes we have just been informed that she has been taken to the Sachdev Gardens. Danuj and Ojas are already out for it. But I have no idea about this place." Nihal says.

"But we have." Mihir says looking at Ganika and the others.

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Maya asks.

"We.... we suggest to get out of this place and meet up with Commissioner Ragesh Malhotra. That should be our first stoppage. What do you guys say?" Abhirup proposes.

"Yes. I totally forgot about him. Yes we should go there. And also we need to rescue Raghu ji's granddaughter." Derek adds.

"Yes. That too. Can we somehow manage to bring Raghu ji with us? We need him safe." Mihir says.

"I don't know if we can.." Maya says with a serious face, to which Abhirup's face falls.
"But we can always try." She says with a hopeful smile looking at him. With that they look at each other determinedly and stand up, to fight a new battle.


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Love, Puja.

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