Episode 9 | Artistic Mistake

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[ Episode 9 - Title TBD ]

Silver Spoon's POV

"... How exciting! Our final 10! And may I add fitting, considering we received a 10/10 on Ballpoint Pen's review! You guys are CRUSHING IT! " he heartily expressed, pulling out the review that was crossed out using a red pen, instead with a 10/10 rating above.

I rolled my eyes as everyone groaned. MePhone4 can't get enough of these cheesy puns. It was SUCH a sensitive subject for everyone else... Especially since I accidentally burnt everyone alive.

Balloon: " ' Crushing '? Seriously?! " he facepalmed, upset.

Nickel: " Dude, too soon. "

I can't believe I'm saying this but, I agree. MePhone gave them a death stare for a split second before speaking once again.

MePhone4: " Today we're going to make something awesome. Something we BELIEVE in! But why be held back by mere beliefs? That's right, this episode's challenge is to CREATE A CARTOON! " he waved, breaking the slight silence.

You're kidding me, right? this RIDICULOUS phone expects US to MAKE AN ENTIRE CARTOON FOR A WHOLE DAY!? What are we, servants forced to do extra work to please!?

The Floor: " But wouldn't making an entire cartoon take like... I dunno... months? " he questioned.

MePhone had a terrified look on his face before adding on.

MePhone4: " Feh! MONTHS? What're we in, MEDIEVAL TIMES? People don't make these things THEMSELVES anymore. " he responded, rolling his eyes.

Zoetrope: " Oh yes, it's a common misconception in the industry, but animation is truly easier than ever! Light-tables BEGONE! "

We all turned to the unknown object leaning against something, most of us were fascinated by the HUGE machine. How come I didn't see that earlier?

MePhone4: " Since I have absolutely no idea how the industry works, I've invited Zoetrope, a true industry pro, to walk us through how a cartoon is actually made! "

Hm... Zoetrope huh, Interesting.

Zoetrope: " It's effortless, really... Simply drop your script and artwork into the ANIMATION MACHINE! And you'll have the entire cartoon generated in seconds. Well, that and... a little fuel to get the wheels greased up. "

It was made like that the whole time? Maybe I should start my own once I return... Fame and Royalty are my gain to live.

The Floor: " Fuel? Oh, what does it run on? "

Zoetrope: " Eh, just a bit of... COLD HARD CASH. "

I gasped, what do they ALL think we are? Spending LOTS of cash on a stupid challenge involving a STUPID little cartoon!?  Even MePhone did seem traumatized while the infographics showed on his screen.

Zoetrope [ voiced over ]: " Each team will need five roles fulfilled. The writer and the artist will provide the necessary script and artwork, while the producer must manage, or in your case... fundraise a budget. And of course, none of it would be possible without CRAFT SERVICES. "

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