"Hey baby" great he was drunk, but he wasn't as bad as he could be,

"Babe food's being served, let's go" he held my hand and I sat him down. I poured his food and he ate in silence. I looked at him and he seemed upset.

"Baby what's wrong" I touched his cheek and he looked away.

"Your dad hates my guts, he spoke to me he said that Akash was here and when I came in I saw him touching you"

"Did you see the part where I pushed him off" he nodded "That's because I love you not him, it will always be you" he gave me a half-hearted smile and I kissed his cheek.

The night ended and we were on the way home, "Priya" Nate was mumbling in his sleep, I looked over at him and I heard a horn. I looked and there was a car coming our way. I swerved the car and hit a lamppost. Nate woke up and I looked over at him, he looked ok.

"Are you ok" I asked

"Ye what the hell" good thing we didn't bring the Audi

"I'm going to call mom" I rang her number and she wouldn't answer. I got out of the car and I had a pain in my rib. I groaned but went and Helped Nate out of the car. I called my brother.

"Hey, can you come and get us" I told him what happened, and he came as quick as he could.

We got in the car and he took us home, "Priya um dad was drunk and he told Akash to go to you,I tried to stop him sorry"

"Its fine that ass need's to be slapped and if he comes near me again I will. Don't worry we're fine go home get some rest I will call you tomorrow" I gave him a hug and he left. Nate crashed out on the bed and I undressed him. I took his shoes off and his shirt and trousers. I changed myself and collapsed on the bed next to him. Wow what a day.

I woke up the next morning and the room was full of baloon's or all colours and there were pictures hangig from each one. I got up and there was a heart shaped note next to me.

Dear Priya,

Get changed into this and come outside. I'm waiting

Love you


There was a pink dress jewellery and heels on the chair. I got dressed and went out and I was about to cry. The room was decorated in candles and flowers, there were the words I love you across the room in petals. Nate stood In the middle,

"Priya" he pulled me over to the table and sat me down. He got down on one knee and pulled out a little black box, I covered my mouth.

"I love you so much Priya, we have been through so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Priya you are the most amazing girl I have ever met. I look at you every day and feel my love grow. You're brave, smart funny and perfect for me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you Priyanka Kumar Marry me" he opened the box.

"Yes" I nodded frantically, he slipped the ring on my left finger and I kissed him. I looked down at my hand and another wave of tears hit me. It was beautiful, "I love it thank you so much" I kissed him again and he picked me up.

We spent the whole day in bed, and I loved every second of it. How would we get married, I mean what sort of ceremony would we have. "Nate can we go down to your house tomorrow, so we can discuss the wedding and I'll text mom"

"Yes, sure your mom was excited when I asked her" he kissed the top of my head and I smiled at him.

"You asked my mom"

"Yes of course I did, I asked your dad too but he didn't really answer me" he scratched the back of his head.

"Your amazing" I kissed him again and started thinking about the wedding.

The next day we went to Ana's house, I brought Simi with me and we were so excited for the wedding.

We walked in and Ana pulled me into a hug straight away, "Congratulations honey" everyone was congratulating us and then we got down to business.

"So what type of wedding do you want" Ana asked me.

"I have always dreamed of a big Indian wedding ever since I was little, but"

"That's what we will have then" she cut me off

"I was thinking we could have both" Nate put in

"Shut it Nate" Lisa put in

"Hey it's my wedding too" he pulled me closer.

"We can have both, you can have your full Indian wedding first then a little church wedding" Ana said. "I've always wanted to go to an Indian wedding" she was more excited than me.

"Well what we can do is Ricky and I can do all the boy's side, to help them if were doing this properly" Simi had already made some plans last night when I texted her.

"But there is one thing" Mom out in "You guys can't see each other till the wedding"

"What" Everyone meet pissed off Nate

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