Bato of the Water Tribe

Start from the beginning

Polu knees his attacker in the groin, yanks his arms from Zhao's grip, and rolls. He slams the man's back to the ground right before he fades out of existence.

"Oh, Kyoshi..." Where Zhao had been sprawled on the ground now lays a groaning Sokka. "Oh shit, Sokka, I'm so sorry."

Polu quickly clambers off of his friend and bends water to heal him. All the while, Sokka quietly complains and Polu apologizes.

"What the hell?" The younger finally manages. "Why did you attack me?"

The prince huffs quietly, hoping not to wake the others. "Me? Why were you pinning me to the ground?"

Sokka's face turns bright red as he clears his throat. "You were thrashing around and screaming. I was trying to stop you from hurting yourself." He motions to the flames not even five feet from them. "I didn't really want you to catch on fire."

Polu's face slacks. "I was screaming?"

"Yeah," Sokka mumbles. "I'm actually surprised I'm the only one who woke up."

"Sorry," the prince mutters. "Didn't mean to wake anyone."

The shorter shrugs lightly. "It's okay. I wasn't sleeping well anyway. Do... do you wanna talk about it?"

"I think I'm just stressed out of my mind," Polu admits.

Sokka rests his arms on his knees as he scoots closer to his friend. "Any reason in particular?" His voice is almost gentle.

"Mostly things to do with being Aang's Advisor." It's not a complete lie...

"Why's that?" Sokka raises an eyebrow. "Isn't it exciting? You sound so upset whenever someone brings it up."

There it is. Guilt crawls through the prince's stomach and into his throat. "Sure, I love being able to help Aang, but I never asked for this. For the power or the responsibilities that came with the title. I didn't ask to be born to parents who just wanted to sell me for their political reputations."

He takes a shuddering breath as he continues, "I didn't ask to be frozen for a century or to miss my baby brother's life. I didn't-"

Polu is cut off by a pair of arms wrapping around him. One hand secures his head on Sokka's shoulders, the other hand clinging to Polu's back.

"I'm sorry. You don't deserve all that pressure. We're just kids, and you two are expected to end this war. That's a lot to ask of anyone. I'm sorry," Sokka hums.

The prince releases a shuddering, silent sob. He buries his face into Sokka's shoulder as he returns the hug.

"You don't have to do any of this alone, though," the younger continues. "You've got me and Katara now, and we're not gonna let anything happen to you. Either of you."

The teens sit in that position for minutes. One quietly cries while the other does his best to soothe his friend.

Eventually, Polu's breathing evens out.

"Feeling better?" Sokka asks softly.

No response.

"Polu?" The boy pulls his head back to find Polu peacefully sleeping on Sokka's shoulder. Oh. He must've been really tired.

He blushes fondly as he slowly lowers himself and his friend to the sand. When the two are laid out, Sokka stares up at the stars. Sokka's gaze is drawn to a curious gathering of stars that seem to form a dagger.

Peace and belonging wash over the teen as he takes a deep breath. Maybe this isn't so bad.

His eyes begin to droop closed, and his mind conjures up an old memory of his father preparing to leave the tribe.

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