Chapter 7

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--3rd person POV--

Y/n opens her eyes and see herself still pinned to the wall,desperately trying to free herself,she failed miserably 

"Dinner's ready" Camille entered the room while she was holding a bowl of whatever garbage they wanted to feed her

Camille puts the bowl in front of her,but she kicks it and throw it away

"Insolent!" She said slapping Y/n

The nails in her wings were sea prism iron so she couldn't put her wings back in,she was basically stuck there without being able to do anything about it

3 days of continuous torture went by,she haven't eaten anything nor drank any water for the past 3 days,she was basically ready to die but she still had some hope that Law will save her 

Law had gathered the crew after Y/n's departure  and set sail towards the Viver card's direction which hopefully would lead him to wherever she was

he walks inside his room,covering his face with his hands as he sat down on his bed,trying not to mentally break down

"If only I had saw that coming..." he murmurs as he stood up,throwing the lamp on his table to the wall,messing up his whole room,smashing some alcohol bottles etc etc. "Please,hang in there Y/n..."

"CAPTAIN WE'VE ARRIV--" Penguin yelled as he opened law's room,seeing this mess ,he knew captain was in no mood

"I'm coming" he said while putting his hat and his cloak on,walking towards the door

"O-Okay" he stood behind law as they started walking towards the deck with other crewmates 

"Get Y/n back at all costs" he said with a very serious tone,sending shivers to everyone

"AYE CAPTAIN" everyone said in unison

they all jumped off of the deck and headed towards the castle

--Y/n's side--

"Oh?Looks like your little crew is here Y/n-chan" camille said

her eyes widened as she heard those words

"Can't wait to slaughter them all" camille gave out a sadistic laugh

"You...Won'" she said weakly 

camille leaned in and looked her into the eyes "We'll see" followed by a kick in Y/n's stomach as she passed out from exhaustion and starvation 

--Law's side--

all of them were running towards the entrance of the castle 

"We'll Split into three groups" law said "Shachi-ya,penguin-ya,take north east" he commanded "Bepo-ya,Jean bart-ya, take north west,Take other crew members with you,if you found Y/n call my denden mushi"

"what about you captain?" bepo asked

"I'll bust in from the entrance"

they all nodded as they split up and started heading towards the directions they were ordered to

he took out his nodachi as he got to the main entrance,sliced the whole iron door in pieces and walked in

"Ara,what a dramatic guy you are trafalgar" Camille's voice came from upstairs



his eyes widened "that can't be true"

"It is,consider her dead and leave now if you don't want your whole crew to get slaughtered" she said

"You're bluffing" anger could be noticed in his words

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