Chapter 8 - Well, I Was Told

Start from the beginning

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I made the plan of actually walking onto the set, and as I hoped, there was Gene talking with one of the cameramen. I waited where I was so he could eventually see that I wasn't in a wheelchair, that what I told him was really a thing. Once he sees me, I would walk up to him. Really, my ankles were feeling a whole lot better. I just needed a few days to let them heal.

"Maybe I should just walk up to him," I said to myself and started walking into the palace set. Gene never looked over, but someone else caught sight of me.

"Hey, Rebecca!"

I looked over at the handsome man that some of the women on the set—the ones playing the palace maidens who were all dressed up in their costumes—were staring at. "Hey, Alan," I greeted him.

"You're out of your wheelchair. Are you feeling better?"

Gene heard that and looked over at us, and he grinned. He said something to the cameraman and started walking over to us. I said, "Yes, much better. I think I'll be able to stand today for a part. Maybe not walk around too much, but standing and slow walking are fine for now."

I obviously said that on purpose since Gene came up and stood with us. "You're feeling up to a standing and walking role today, Rebecca?" he asked. "Because we're doing another palace scene today, and I need you girls standing."

"I should be fine with that. Like I said over the phone, I think I'll be able to do it."

"Great." His eyes suddenly lighted. "Elvis, you're here!"

My heart jumped, and I looked over at him. He saw me and instantly noticed that I was standing. Now would be a good time since he was in earshot of me and Alan. I turned to face Alan.

"So, I wanted to tell you something," I told him.

"Oh? And what's that?"

He was giving me a really attractive smirk, and I knew Elvis was seeing and listening to this whole thing. Gene was speaking to him, but I doubted that he was really listening.

"Well," I started, "I wanted to accept your dinner invitation."

His brows rose. "Really, you're accepting?"

"I just said that, didn't I? And I admit, I'm in a better mood because I'm out of that darn wheelchair. I have to take it easy still, but it's nice to be more mobile." I moved my arm that was injured. "Even my arm's feeling better."

Alan grinned, and I noticed that blush on his cheeks. Really, it was incredibly flattering that a man who looked like him was interested in me. I could say that about Elvis, too. He was still sending daggers our way.

"That's great!" Alan chimed happily. "I'm so happy that you're feelin' better, and I'm happy that you accepted me. So... Friday, then? I have to be in meetin's all day that day, but I can come and get you from the set."

I made a quick glance at Elvis, then looked back at Alan. "Sounds like a plan."

"Wonderful. Now, if Elvis's isn't busy, I need to talk to 'im."

"He's right behind you."

Alan's eyes widened, then he turned. Did he forget that Gene exclaimed in a booming voice that Elvis arrived? Well, he was probably distracted. Again, I felt flattered.

Alan went and talked with Elvis while Gene was standing there, and I went to the costume room to get my outfit. I explored the racks for my outfit and size, and as I did so, someone else walked into the room. The moment I smelled his cologne, I knew who it was.

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