Chapter 1

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It was a dark, chilly night. Monsoon, a brown cat,  was making his way through the forest. He looked around, wary of his surroundings. The cold wind ruffled his pelt, making him shiver. He didn't particularly like the winter. The only thing he disliked about it was the cold. Monsoon looked up at the midnight sky. Clouds were covering the stars, but he could just barely see the moon. A tiny snowflake fell on his nose, which made it melt. Monsoon sighed. For as long as he could remember, he lived on his own. He had little memories of his family. All he remembered was that he had two parents and one sibling. He didn't remembered what happened to them. Snapping back into reality, he could feel his legs grow numb. His ears pinned against his head, he continued on.

Suddenly, Monsoon spotted the edge of the forest. With a burst of energy, he rushed towards the edge. He stopped, his eyes grew wide. It was a completely flat land. He never saw this before. He scanned the flat land until his eyes fell on a structure. Curious, Monsoon started to head his way over to the mysterious shape. As he got closer to it, he stared at it. He paused, looking up. Monsoon observed the structure. It was an old house, left behind by humans moons if not years ago. The windows were shattered. But from what? He thought to himself. He padded around the building until he found a hole. It was big enough for him to squeeze in. Curiosity took over, and he squeezed through the hole.

Inside was dark. Monsoon flattened his ears. He had mixed feelings about this place. The darkness scared him, but it was a lot warmer than it was outside. Maybe I should stay here for a while. He thought to himself. Suddenly, he was knocked to the ground. He squeaked in surprise, trying to get up. But something was holding his head to the ground. Then, he heard an unfamiliar voice.

"What are you doing here?" The voice asked.

"I-I was just c-curious!" Monsoon replied.

Monsoon was petrified. Who was this? Was this creature going to harm him? The voice sighed. Now, Monsoon was able to look up at his attacker. It was a cat, like him. She had gray fur. Part of her face was white and she had pink eyes. It was hard to tell what the gray cat was thinking.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"M-Monsoon." Monsoon replied.

"I'm Owlet. You look like you've been traveling for awhile." She meowed.

Monsoon sighed with relief. Maybe this cat wasn't going to harm him after all.

Tails Book One: Wintry BeginningsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora