Chapter 5

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Happy then started to feel weird. Something was wrong. He felt dizzy and his vision blurred. He felt pain as he grew wings from his back and grew horns on top of his head. He also grew a dragon-like tail. Happy then had the urge to fly to Null. Happy staggered as he got up slowly and walked towards the broken wall. He flew out the wall. He then went to the campsite and landed in front of Null. Null was destroying everything in the campsite. Happy yelled, "NULL!! STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!!" Null turned and roared at Happy angrily. Happy growled back at Null. Null was now getting angrier. Happy saw the anger in his friends' eyes and roared. Then, some hunters in the woods heard the roars and came running out. One hunter said, "That was a dragon roar. Did you hear it?" Another hunter answered, "Yes. And the dragon looks very angry too." Both hunters nodded their heads and decided to come closer towards the campsite. Happy saw them coming and growled, "NO!! Null doesn't want to be disturbed right now! Leave us alone!" The two hunters aimed their weapons at Happy and Null respectively. Happy growled and said, "No! Happy don't like you aiming at Null!" The first hunter said, "Gail... This creature is a threat! It needs to be captured or else he could cause serious damage!" Gail looked at the first hunter and replied, "I don't know Rowan... That thing seems pretty nice." Rowan sighed in annoyance and said, "Look Gail... This beast could pose a big danger if it's not taken care of quickly!" Gail thought for a moment and muttered, "Alright..." Rowan started to get ready to pull his trigger. The dragon fell forward unconscious, blood pouring from his wounds. Happy looked at Null's wound and cried heavily. Rowan was ready to fire at Happy now, but then realized Happy's eyes now glowed red. "What the hell...?" Rowan commented while trying to aim his gun at Happy. Gail looked confused about what was happening. Happy roared loudly and lunged at Rowan. Rowan shot at Happy as Happy screamed in pain. He fell to the ground unconscious. Gail said, "Wh... What was that...?" Rowan shook his head and replied, "I have no idea either... Atleast we took care of the threat." Gail asked, "What do we do now?" Rowan replied, "We give the two freaks to the boss to the boss to the boss and get our pay." Gail sighed and said, "Fine... Let's go talk with our boss to get things together." Rowan agreed and called the boss. "I'm coming right away." The boss said on the phone. Rowan hung up and later, the boss showed up. Rowan put the dragon and Happy in the trunk. Then, Rowan and Gail got in the black car and drove to the base. Once they arrived, they got out the car and approached the entrance door of the facility. Their boss, Cernunnos, was waiting for them outside. When he noticed the two hunters, he said, "So, how did it go? Good job killing the other beasts?" Rowan replied, "Yeah." Cernunnos grunted, "Good. I knew you two would do good." Cernunnos led the two of them inside into his office. Cernunnos then handed them a bag with money in it. Gail took the bag and thanked him for giving him and Rowan this gift. Then, Gail, Rowan and Cernunnos went outside. Gail got the dragon's body and put it in a cage while Rowan got Happy's body and placed it in a cage. Then, the story goes on from there.

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