Chapter 1

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Happy walked through the forest until he heard a loud noise. It sounded like something was crying. He ran to where the noise came from and saw a large dragon covered in scars. Happy felt bad for it so he decided to help the creature. He went up to the dragon and pet it's head gently as he spoke, "Don't worry buddy... I'm going to help you." The dragon nuzzled Happy's hand softly. Happy grabbed some bandages and started to tend the dragon's wounds. After Happy was done taking care of the wounds, the dragon seemed grateful for everything Happy did for him. Happy grinned and asked the dragon, "Do you want to go to the camping area?" The dragon nodded yes. "Let's go then." Happy led the dragon to the campsite Happy had set up. As they arrived at the campsite Happy said, "We're here! You can rest here for now." The dragon made noises indicating that he liked what Happy did for him. Happy smiled softly at the dragon. Happy then told the dragon, "I'll get some food for us, alright?" The dragon replied with happy chirps and nods. Happy took out a lunchbox and grabbed two sandwiches. He got one sandwich for himself and another one for the dragon. He gave the dragon it's sandwich and sat down next to it to eat. The dragon ate happily at its sandwich. Happy looked over at the creature and chuckled softly. The dragon made noises saying how much he liked Happy helping him. Happy thought it was cute seeing the dragon be so content with Happy's help. Happy finished his sandwich and said, "Alright buddy, do you want to get some water?" The dragon chirped excitedly and let Happy on it's back. Happy asked, "Hey... Are you able to fly?" The dragon responded by flapping its wings and flying into the sky. Happy held tight to the dragon. When they were done flying, the dragon landed near a stream. Happy hopped off of the dragon's back. He patted it on its head to show it's appreciation. The dragon chirped again. The dragon started drinking from the stream. Once it was done, Happy hopped on it's back once more and they flew back to the campground. Once they arrived they found a spot where they could land and Happy hopped off of the dragon's back. Happy decided to drink some water out of a water bottle he had brought along. When he was done he put the bottle away and patted the dragon on the head. The dragon purred happily. Happy smiled at the dragon. Then, he noticed it was getting pretty late. Happy said to the dragon, "Okay buddy, we need to get to bed now." The dragon made sad noises as if it didn't want to sleep. Happy sighed. "It's okay buddy, I'll stay with you." The dragon chirped and nuzzled Happy's hand. Happy patted it's head again. The dragon wanted to go to the cave, so it made a noise asking Happy to go. Happy said, "Alright... We can fly somewhere. Just let me grab my bag. Wait right here." He went over to grab his lunchbox and put it in the bag. Then, Happy hopped on the dragon's back and they headed off to find where the cave was. Once they reached the cave, the dragon ran into the cave. Happy followed the dragon inside. Once Happy got inside, the dragon turned around and purred happily at him. Happy smiled and thanked the dragon. Happy got a pillow he managed to take from the tent and laid it on the ground. Happy slept on the pillow while the dragon layed close to him.

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