Chapter 4

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Null purred softly and nuzzled Happy when he patted Null's head. Happy smiled at the dragon and then said, "You scared me when you got angry like that... I'm sorry..." Null whimpered sadly at Happy's words. Happy then continued, "I know you are sad, but I won't let anything bad happen to you... I promise..." The dragon looked up at Happy before chirping happily. Happy chuckled and patted Null on the head again. This time when he patted his friend's head, Null nuzzled his hand happily. Happy said, "Let's get some rest for tonight, yeah...? I think you were really tired earlier..." The dragon agreed and curled up. Happy hugged Null happily.

Next Morning, Happy woke up to try to go to school. But, when he went out the cave, Null growled angrily at him. Happy looked at Null and said, "I'm not leaving you... You can go with me if you turn into your human form." Null whimpered loudly. He transformed into his human form. It was painful for Null to transform because he hasn't transformed into this form until near a week ago. When the transformation was done, Null muttered, "Null sad. Bad Happy leaving. Hurt." Happy immediately went to Null and comforted him. Happy said, "It's alright Null... I'll always protect you... I'll bring you to my school so you can meet new friends!" Null replied excitedly, "Null want friends! Null make friends!" Happy smiled brightly and said, "Okay Null, let's go then!" They both went out of the forest and went to the school, which was close to Happy's house. It didn't take a long time to go there as Null and Happy went inside early enough for breakfast. Once they got their food, they ate it up. Once they were both finished, Happy told Null to follow him into his class. The teacher greeted Happy and saw Null and said, "Hello. I see you're a new student here. Your name, sir?" Null asked, "Null name?" The teacher then responded, "Well.. I think your name's Null. I'm Mr. Smith, the social studies teacher for this school. You may sit next to Happy as the seat next to him is empty." Happy and Null got in their seats. Null heard one student call him an 'idiot'. Null growled loudly and said, "Null not idiot! Null angry! Not stupid!" The student looked shocked at Null and laughed at Null. Null turned aggressive and growled even louder at the student. Everyone started staring at the strange monster in awe. The students then started whispering amongst themselves. Null was so angry now that he felt the urge to tear them apart. Null yelled, "NULL NOT LIKE! NULL GOOD! STUDENT BAD! BAD! BAD!" Null roared angrily and wanted to attack the student. Happy yelled at Null, "Null! Calm down!" Null was filled with anger. He growled loudly and turned into his dragon form. This time, his eyes were glowing red. Everyone stared in shock at the sight of a dragon in their class. Null scratched the boy who insulted him and ate him. Everyone screamed in horror. They were afraid of the dragon. Null roared at them and continued attacking the students. Some students were crying and screaming. Null ate some more students and hurt a few others. Happy saw this and ran to the dragon and started shouting furiously, "Null! Enough!" After that, Null scratched Happy and ran off. Happy felt sick after he got scratched. The pain was horrible. He fell to the floor and cried. His whole body ached and he felt like his body was going to fall apart soon. 

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