Part 19.

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Excruciating agony brought Yu from his unconscious state. He felt a strong grip on his shoulders and warm bitter blood in his mouth. Trying to take a breath he unwillingly swallowed it.

It felt like liquid metal was poured down his throat burning it to crisps. His body was convulsing in pain, he was trying to throw up the blood but a strong hand was covering his mouth.

Every single cell in his body was burning up, being twisted inside out, broken and stabbed. Yu's expression withered in agonizing pain, but there is nothing Mika could do about it. The torment was unbelievable, it was so extreme that Yu bit right through Mika's hand.

The vampire gasped in surprise, but kept his hand where it was. He held Yu very strong as his body was shaking and twisting. Tears were flowing down his cheeks, his eyes opened and closed. Mika could see the pupils slowly changing shape from a circle to a cat-like line which meant that the transformation was working.

Ferid was standing right behind Mika observing the situation. He did not know what to expect given that both boys had the seraph gene and mixing it would be a whole new thing that nobody has ever done.

Sometime after Yu calmed down and just laid there with closed eyes. Mika moved his already healed hand away and held up the boys head up. It felt like eternity to both vampires but slowly Yu raised his eyelids showing vampire like green eyes. Mika let out a reassuring sigh still waiting for Yu to move.

Still in mild pain Yu's 'new' body felt completely different. He could hear his own heart racing, Mika's deep breaths and Ferid's bad hidden giggle. He gradually lifted up his body and sat up looking at Mika. The vampires' expression was hesitant, he did not know what to expect from Yu and held back, watching carefully.

"Ha! I made it!" Yu gave Mika a radiant smile and hugged him with all his new gained might.

Completely puzzled Mika just sat there blushing not sure how to react to a sudden change in mood.

"Yu...You are not...mad?" He asked in an uncertain voice. Yu leaned back, laughing.

"Mad? Geez, of course Im not!" The boy jumped to his feet completely ignoring the nosebleedinginthecornerlikeallofus noble. He reached out his hand and pulled Mika up, who was still utterly confused.

"But you are a vampire now.." Mika said quietly.

"Yeah, so? I feel know...amazing!" Yu lifted his hands in a fight-like way all excited. "Wanna fight me? I bet I can kick yo ass!"

Mika smiled back sarcastically and with one strong 'pat' on the shoulder threw the proud boy back to his knees. Hitting the ground Yu was completely dazzled, his jaw dropping.

"The heck? You can't be that strong, that's cheating!" He got back up right away. Mika flicked his hair in a badass way and said:

"I was going easy – don't want to break your bones just yet!" Both of them laughed at each other. After that Mika looked up and said in a philosophical voice.

"Are you ready to spend eternity together?"

Following his example Yu lifted his head up and as well and stared at the blue cloudless sky.

"It might not be enough..."

After that the green eyed vampire pulled Mika closer to him, they both smiled at each other and  kissed and kissed forever and always transcending time.

Aaaaand that is the end. ^_^

Thanks for reading, everyone!

I am currently writing a HidexKaneki fanfic if anyone is interested)))) 

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