chapter one.

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A/N as of 3/12/22 this has been edited.

"You name the tom Teal," Buzzardflight purred, twitching an excited tabby ear. 

"Hmm...he looks just like you. What if we call him Tabbykit?" Tealshine replied, looking at Buzzardflight with his wide, copper eyes.

"Not sure...there is already a 'Tabby' in the clan."

"Oh, well I'm sure I'll 'conjure up' another idea," the tom purred lightly as if he had made a particularly hilarious pun.

Moments passed.

"I have two more, Breezekit and Stripedkit."

"Breezekit is very suiting if I do say so myself, I like it."

A small number of felines sat gathered around Buzzardflight in the medicine den, the ones she could see were Tealshine, Sagecloud and Cherrycreek. The deputy's presence didn't haunt Buzzardflight but somewhat nerved her by having such an important figure watching her have kits.

Sagecloud's eyes shimmered with happiness and thrill for the she-cat  as she inspected the two kits she had just given birth to. 

"You did spectacularly," Sagecloud beamed, tipping her head sideways.

In unison, Tealshine and Buzzardflight glanced at their other kit, a she-cat they had noticed with a thick layer of spotted tabby fur. 

"What should we name her?" Buzzardflight mewed, eyes glistening with joy.

"I don't know, maybe Leafkit?" Tealshine suggested.

"No, lets name her something after the dapples."



"Perhaps Deerkit?"

"Nope, she isn't big enough."

"You can wait Buzz if you want to name her later, I mean, you just had them."

The two kits were mewling uncontrollably beside their mother and were squirming and writhing. 

"I want to name them now," she insisted politely.

Sagecloud nodded curtly before shuffling her paws. Tealshine's cool gaze rested upon his mate and he seemed to be purring non-stop in utter content. 

He'd keep on asking questions like : "Are you thirsty? Do you feel warm enough? Or too warm?"

That was one thing the pair had in common; they were both worriers to an extent. 

After a few silent moments watching the kits, Owlfrost pushed through the small crowd of cats and settled behind Sagecloud so Buzzardflight wouldn't notice her. Her four kits were trailing behind the she, one dangling from their scruff in her jaws.

"Any name suggestions anyone?" Tealshine asked, scanning the surrounded cats.

"Copperkit?" Cherrycreek mewed.

"Maybe...Spottedkit?" another meow sounded.


"We're getting nowhere!" Buzzardflight cried out, setting the kits' yowling back on.

"Shhh," Sagecloud hushed with her calming, thoughtful voice.

The kits volume declined over the moments as the older cats continued their chattering. 

"I don't know what to call her."

"Its okay Buzzy, don't worry," Tealshine reassured.

The soft moss underneath Buzzardflight and her kits seemed rather relaxing to lay on, for Sagecloud had just selected new moss after the birth of Buzzardflight's two kits. Sagecloud's den scented strongly of medical herbs and the scent wafted all around the den.

"Thank you so much for the help Sagecloud, would it be okay if we moved to the nursery?" Tealshine paused. "If that is was Buzzard wants."

Buzzardflight nodded a couple times before turning to face Sagecloud.

"I'll do that if its okay."

"It is, I can hold Breezekit if you like. I'm sure Tealshine is very busy with warrior duties at the moment," Sagecloud glanced at the larger brown tom.

"I'm not, but that would be a great help."

Buzzardflight shakily rose to her paws and retrieved the she-kit from the nest. 

The effervescent Tealshine ambled alongside the two she-cats as they maneuvered through the small crowd. He was practically quivering with excitement and anticipation.

"I'm so proud of you," Tealshine mewed, giving a loving lick to Buzzardflight's ear.

His euphonious tone made what he was saying easy to understand for the fatigued queen. They emerged from out of the medicine den and a shaft of light shone down on them from the sky as they weaved through a row of crisp nettles.

All of a sudden, Buzzardflight paused and swivelled round to face Tealshine. 

"I've got it. We will call the she-cat Fawnkit."


It's done! again, i admit it isn't the best but it will get good. please vote it if you enjoyed it and keep watching out for more :) 

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