More than a tutor

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It was a rather dark night. The sky was pitch dark, with only the moon and the stars scattered around as the only source of light. It was like chocolate chips in a muffin.
The muffins Agent 4 liked so much to have as a snack, and that Callie would always buy her despite Marie constantly telling her not to. Callie didn't really care, anyway: whenever she could spoil her niece a bit, she didn't hesitate.

There was barely any noise outside, aside from the occasional cars passing by. The Squid Sisters preferred living in quiet places, not too busy, and the towns around inkopolis were a good location for them.

Their house was pretty average for being celebrities: it wasn't small by any means, and both of them and Four had more than enough space to use, but it surely wasn't anything that would attract attention. Neither of them enjoyed spending lots of money: they'd always get what they needed, without exaggerating. Four was absolutely fine with it, they were kind of the opposite of Off The Hook, Pearl especially. MC Princess had a bad habit of wasting money on stuff she barely even ended up using.
Not that Four didn't like her or Marina, to make things clear, but...the humble nature of her parental figures aligned better with her beliefs. She didn't lack anything, anyway: she was really happy.

However, on certain nights...nothing went her way. And that night, was one of those.

One of those nights when Four just could not sleep, no matter how hard she tried. She was just absolutely frightened by the bare thought of closing her eyes and falling asleep.

Horrible images and memories would invade her mind, like fog during a salmon run shift: they tormented her. Once that happened, she just could not bring herself back to dreamland, and had to remain awake the whole night.

The little agent had been sitting by the window of her room for a while. She remained there, not moving while looking outside, but really, she was staring at nothing. The window could be opened and it would bring to a little balcony: she had thought about going there to breathe some fresh air, but she went against the idea because it was way too cold outside, and she didn't feel like looking for her Hero Hoodie or any coat.

Her room was always an absolute mess, and at that moment she wished she had listened to Marie more, constantly reminding her to keep her room in order, tidying it properly.

A few tears were still coming out of her eyes, her cheeks red, her eyes puffy. That night she had one of her worst nightmares in a while: Her dad killing both Marie and Callie. She wished she didn't have to look, that she could wake up, snap out of it sooner and realize that none of that was real. Her entire family was long gone and it had been years since she last saw them.

But she couldn't.

And those horrible and vivid images kept hunting her, and the more she thought of them, the harder she cried.

She glanced at her bed: it was soaked in sweat. Her blankets were all over the place, as well as a few plushes Callie had bought her for her last Birthday. A zapfish, a Callie, a Marie. Four didn't exactly know where Callie had found those two of her and her cousin, but she couldn't really describe the happiness she felt having them around: when the two of them had to leave for a while to go to this place called Alterna, after recording suspicious sounds and octarian activity, she'd always have them around.

So that she didn't miss them as hard.

She realized that maybe she could distract herself a bit: if she couldn't sleep, at least she could find a way to stop sobbing like that. So she got up from her chair and walked towards her bed, grabbing her phone and turning it on.

Of course, her wallpaper was a photo of her and The Squid Sisters.

She opened SquidChat and went through the many profiles she had saved. Captain? Surprisingly, she was offline. Maybe she was actually sleeping, and Four slightly smirked at the thought: what a miracle.

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