Part 14

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After a while you hear Jake leaving. And after a few hours you hear knocking on your door

"Y/n? Are you there?" Your mom says calmly so you know she doesn't want any problems and doesn't want to get you in uncomfortable situation again

"Go away mom" you say with cracking voice

"Y/n please open the door" She says

It's a silent for a while but then your mom hears a click and see you standing in the door. You have red and puffy eyes and face. Your mom doesn't say anything because she knows that you cried and doesn't want to make it worse so she just pulls you into a hug

You feel wave of relief when you are in her arms. You relax a bit and hug her back. After not a minute you start to cry again

You suddenly feel a hand on your head. Your mom starts to stroking your hair and another hand is circling on your back

"Shhh, it's okay Y/n" your mom says quietly

"N-no mom... it's no-not oka-y. I c-could hurt you." You say as you are crying into her shoulder

Your mom breaks the hug and looks into your eyes

"Y/n listen to me. I am here for you and i always will be even if you hurt me. I know you didn't want to and you didn't do it"

"B-but i hurt Jake. I hurt s-someone who i l-like" you say still sobbing

"Jake is okay, i promise. Nothing happened." She says to calm you down


"No Y/n, don't. Be quiet it's okay really." Your mom says and you know that it's useless to argue about it more so you stay quiet

After that your mom go back downstairs and for dinner she makes you your favourite

You go sleep and you wake up in THAT day. 31st of December. Last day of this year and also the day of the party. You still don't know if you should go. You don't know if Jake wants to see you but Sadie does. But what if he told Sadie and she hates you now because you hurt someone. What if---


You jump out of the bed and rush through your door straight to the kitchen. When you get here you see your mom cleaning shards of the broken plate on the floor. You can  also see your mom's hands shaking so you kneeled down next to her

"Here mom let me do it." You say and take a shard from her hand slowly

After you are done you look at your mom who is still shaking

"What happened mom?" You say and take her hands in yours

"I-i don't know Y/n" your mom says looking at you

"What do you mean. Something must've happened" you say confused

"I don't know it just fell"

"Okay mom. It just fell. Okay. Sit down mom." You say and help her to the chair

After you calm down your mom you make breakfast for you both. Nothing special just eggs with toast.  The day went pretty smoothly you were still thinking about yesterday and regretting it

Now you are laying on your bed and staring at the ceiling but then the door opens and your mom walks in. You sit up and look at her

"Y/ won't go?" Your mom says little scared

You frown confusedly

"Go where?" You ask clueless

"To Jake told me about it" she says and you can hear that she is afraid

"Why should i go? No one wants me there" you say sadly

She put her hand and yours and speak

"Y/n it's 31st December. Last day of this year. Go to that party and enjoy the end of this stupid year with your friends." She says and it stops you

You are quiet for a while but then nod

"Maybe you're right." You say and get up from the bed

"It's already 19:48 but get ready and go have some fun Y/n." She says and hugs you

After that she leaves and you go to your closet. You don't like anything like 'girly' (skirts, dresses,....) So you take some black pants and your favourite and the best grey hoodie. You take your phone and keys and go down.

Downstairs you put on your black and white shoes and go out. You go in your car and start driving to David's house where is the party

Hope you all liked it. Tomorrow or latest on Saturday will be next part i really enjoy writing in last few days and i have so many ideas in head right now. So if you like this story VOTE please :) it really helps me with writing
Have a nice day/night!!

Just Mine | Sadie Sink X Female readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora